Kong Jie

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孔杰(Kong3 Jie2), Chinese 9-dan professional. Born 25 November 1982. His top year was 2010, when he held several international titles: the LG Cup, Samsung Cup, and Fujitsu Cup.

Reached #1 in Chinese Ranking in 2003 (August), 2007 (August) and 2010 (April).

1P in 1994, 5P in 1999, 6P in 2001, 7P in 2002. Promoted 9 dan on 2009-06-11 (beating Lee Sedol, reached the final of the 21th Asian TV Cup. Under the Chinese rules, a player is promoted to 9 dan reaching two finals in international titles).

One interesting thing that he is a descendant of Confucius[1] according to [ext] genealogy book.


Kong Jie won also two obsolete Chinese titles and one international unofficial match. He is also the winner of the National Sports Meeting in 2000.

An Younggil described his play as "like a textbook on go. Thick and solid" ([ext] gogameguru). So Yokoku described him as having a preference for concrete profits over "vague potential" ([ext] ranka).



kong jie national championship 2001 (Image credit: 0)
kong jie national championship 2001 (Image credit: Foxwq.com)

kong jie in korean interview in 2009 (Image credit: 2)
kong jie in korean interview in 2009 (Image credit: Foxwq.com)


[1] source: [ext] http://sports.sina.com.cn/go/2007-02-02/06592732251.shtml

Kong Jie last edited by kuhi on October 2, 2023 - 19:56
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