Dang Yifei

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Dang Yifei (党毅飞), Chinese 9 dan professional Go player born 1994-06-17. On the [ext] 2024-01-02 rating list, Dang is now #10 in the world and #7 in China,

Promoted 1 dan 2007-07-24, 2 dan 2008-07-24, 3 dan 2009-07, 4 dan 2010-07-30. Losing finalist in the 4th BC Card Cup in 2012, promoted to 9 dan for reaching his second international final, the 21st LG Cup in November 2016. In February 2017 he won the final 2-0 against Zhou Ruiyang, to the surprise of many observers given their rating difference and condition (7% chance according to goratings.org).

157 games, played by Dang on WBaduk: [ext] http://rusgo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/dang-wbaduk.zip

In 2024 he loses 1:3 the finals of the 5th MLily cup against Li Xuanhao.

In 2024 Dang Yifei wins the domestic 10th Quzhou-Lanke Cup, defeating Lian Xiao in the final. This is Dang Yifei's first title in 7 years.




tang weixing dang yifei 2014 (Image credit: 0)
tang weixing dang yifei 2014 (Image credit: Foxwq.com)

dang yifei mar2023 (Image credit: 2)
dang yifei mar2023 (Image credit: Foxwq.com)

dang yifei jun2023 (Image credit: 4)
dang yifei jun2023 (Image credit: Foxwq.com)

paek hongseok dang yifei mlily 2023 (Image credit: 6)
paek hongseok dang yifei mlily 2023 (Image credit: Foxwq.com)

dang yifei onishi ryuhei mlily 2023 (Image credit: 8)
dang yifei onishi ryuhei mlily 2023 (Image credit: Foxwq.com)

park geunho dang yifei mlily 2023 (Image credit: 10)
park geunho dang yifei mlily 2023 (Image credit: Foxwq.com)

Dang Yifei last edited by Bodhi on June 19, 2024 - 14:14
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