Zheng Hong

    Keywords: People

(b.1968) Chinese pro, 9 dan in 1996.

He has a go school in Beijing which the [ext] 2007 Go'n'Games trip visited.


Zheng Hong is on the back row second from the left wearing the light blue shirt.

I visited his school in Sep. 2005 tderz.
It is on/near the premises of a normal school and comprises two parallel buildings,
wherein there are three classes

  • beginners to 1-dan
  • roughly 1-dan to 3-dan
  • 4-dan and above.

Following a lesson in the medium class, which consisted of analysis of a game of the pupils by Wang 8p, I noticed the canonical approach.
Perhaps something personal by Wang, it goes like this:
'and what do we do in such a situation where a stone is here and another one here? ...'

Then I had the chance to play a game vs. a boy from the 4-dan class during lunch break. The time control set to straight 45 minutes , it had a strange ending. Temporarily I build up a time deficit of up to 10 minutes, however it was him who went first through the time control (where we looked at each other, but then went on playing).

This was some seconds after I made a special attachement in his moyo, which looked strange, yet had some very special aji, where he replied wrongly to.
It was a ladder breaker, when Wang 8p commented our game in front of the class,
he gave me a look like "has he really seen this aji?" and I had not really seen it,
however felt that I had to do something special in the moyo.

Having said this, I forgot it and went on to lose the game after the time control. This game was then also discussed in class. (I will post it later, comments from Wang 8p).

Unfortunately, due to my personal agenda (family), there was no time left anymore to play against Zheng 9p.


Zheng Hong last edited by tderz on December 26, 2008 - 00:32
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