Japanese Go Books

    Keywords: Books & Publications

The following is a list of Japanese go books that some SL deshis are familiar with. It is by no means a comprehensive list.

Table of contents

Contemporary (2001-)

20th Century after the WWII (1946-2000)

Taisho and Showa before the end of WWII (1912-1945)

Important classics in bold.

Meiji period (1868-1912)

Edo period (1603-1868)

[1] Free digital copies of these books are available online via a link on the book's page.

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Past discussions (partly obsolete)

tchan001: I really don't think all the old Japanese books should be classified as classics. It's not a matter of digital availability from an online library. There has to be more reasons beyond just being old. For example, classics are still referred to by modern books such as Fujisawa's Tesuji Dictionary. Perhaps we should limit the classics to a more selective list such as those in this Italian list: [ext] http://blog.libero.it/IgoWeichiBaduk/5189468.html

Maybe we should classify according to their period in go history such as Edo, Meijin, Showa and Pre-WWII, and After WWII (Modern). This is the way the famous Japanese used bookstore, Akasiya-Shoten, classifies their go book collection.

tderz: Hence, canonical books become classics, even when not old.

valerio: a list of Edo books is [ext] here. Surely, many titles and names are wrong and I hope to correct them lately.

tchan001: There is another Japanese list of Edo books at [ext] http://hup.k-server.org/koten/edobooks.html

valerio: this list is the basis of mine. I translated the titles and the names of the authors (and added some other title: 97 instead of 81); I also added references to some website. I will translate also another [ext] list

Japanese Go Books last edited by hnishy on September 20, 2024 - 13:57
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