Japanese Go Books
The following is a list of Japanese go books that some SL deshis are familiar with. It is by no means a comprehensive list.
Table of contents |
Contemporary (2001-)
- Cho U's Tsumego 張栩の詰碁 and Cho U no Tokusen Tsumego 張栩の特選詰碁
- Cosmic Style - Takemiya Masaki, A selection of Enjoyable Games 宇宙流武宮正樹快局選 - Takemiya Masaki & Nakayama Noriyuki
- Develop Your Stones Meien Style -- Push into the Largest Part of the Board 広い方から押し込む - O Meien
- Good Points and Bad Points to Play 打っていい場所・悪い場所 - Sonoda Yuichi
- Go Strategy 苑田勇一流基本戦略 - Sonoda Yuichi
- Go Super Books (new series, 10 books) 碁スーパーブックス
- Guidelines for Fighting and Sabaki 攻めとサバキの法則 - Ishikura Noboru
- The Heart of Go Discovery Series 碁の心発見シリーズ
- Immediately Helpful Vital Points of Life and Death すぐに役立つ実戦死活の急所 - Rin Kaiho
- The Invasions that Amateurs Don't Know アマの知らない打ち込み対策事典 - Awaji Shuzo
- Kihon Fuseki Jiten 基本布石事典 (new edition) - Yoda Norimoto
- Kihon Joseki Jiten 基本定石事典 (new edition) - Yamashita Keigo
- Kihon Shikatsu Jiten 基本死活事典 (new edition) - Cho U
- Nihon Ki-in brown cover series こだわり講座シリーズ
- Nihon Ki-in Dan Level Series 初/三/六/七段合格シリーズ
- Nihon Kiin Pocket Series (new series) 新ポケットシリーズ
- Nihon Ki-in red cover series 進級シリーズ
- Practical Life and Death Training Drill 実戦に役立つ死活反復トレーニング - Aragaki Takeshi
- Selected Readings for Dan-level Players 有段者囲碁選書シリーズ
- Satoru No Sabaki 一撃三変 覚のサバキ - Kobayashi Satoru
- Semeai Tesuji 攻め合いの手筋 - Kobayashi Satoru
- Shimari no Gihou シマリの技法 - Ishida Yoshio
- The World's New Joseki 世界の新定石
- Yoda Note 依田ノート - Yoda Norimoto
- Yose - absolute counting ヨセ絶対計算 - O Meien
- Yose at a Glance ひと目のヨセ - Cho Chikun
20th Century after the WWII (1946-2000)
- 24 Basic Joseki 基本定石24 by Takemiya Masaki (1992)
- 80 Questions for Getting Strong at Actual Play 実戦に強くなる80題 - Haruyama Isamu
- Aiming at Shodan -- Three Faults That Hold You Back 足をひっぱる三つの大罪 - Gaku Yuzuru
- Aiming at Shodan -- The Art of Making your Previous Stones Work Effectively 前に打った石を働かせるコツ - Gaku Yuzuru
- An Outline of Japanese Go (18 volumes) 日本囲碁大系
- An Outline of Modern Go (48 volumes) 現代囲碁大系
- Basic Life and Death Dictionary 基本死活事典 by Eba Hiroki
- Bessatsu Igo Kurabu 別冊囲碁クラブ two series
- The Book to Increase Your Fighting Strength at Go 囲碁の力を強くする本 - Segoe Kensaku
- Famous Tsumego Dictionary 名作詰碁辞典 by Hashimoto Shoji
- The Fiery Games of Master Sakata Eio 炎の勝負師坂田栄男
- Fujisawa Tesuji Dictionary 基本手筋事典
- Fuseki Riron 差をつける布石理論 - Otake Hideo
- Gendai Joseki Jiten 現代定石事典 - Yamabe Toshiro
- Gendai no Meikyoku 現代の名局
- Go Reader For True 5 Dan Books 実力五段囲碁読本
- Go Super Books (old series) ゴ・スーパーブックス
- Igo Bessatsu 圍碁別冊 a series of special issues of the magazine 'Igo'
- Igo Hyakunen 囲碁百年 (there are two books of the same title)
- Small Joseki Dictionary 定石小辞典 - Suzuki Tamejiro & Kitani Minoru
- Kihon Fuseki Jiten 基本布石事典 - Rin Kaiho
- Kihon Joseki Jiten 基本定石事典 - Ishida Yoshio
- Kihon Okigo Jiten 基本置碁事典 - Otake Hideo
- Kihon Shikatsu Jiten 基本死活事典 - Cho Chikun
- Maeda Tsumego 前田詰碁集 3 volumes by Maeda Nobuaki
- Masterpiece Tsumego Dictionary 傑作詰碁事典 Sekiyama Riichi et al.
- NHK Lectures Series
- Nihon Kiin Pocket Series ポケットシリーズ
- Nihon Ki-in Problem Collection series 問題集シリーズ
- Oshiro Gofu 御城碁譜
- Segoe Tesuji Dictionary 手筋事典 - Go Seigen & Segoe Kensaku
- Segoe Tsumego Dictionary 詰碁辞典
- Shin Hayawakari Shojiten, 新はやわかり小事典 small encyclopedia series
- Yose Dictionary ヨセ辞典 - Kano Yoshinori
Taisho and Showa before the end of WWII (1912-1945)
Important classics in bold.
- Fuseki Kogo Shinpo[1] (布石攻合新法) by Abe Kamejiro
- Igo Daijiten[1] 囲碁大辞典 - Suzuki Tamejiro
- Igo Jissen 50 Ban[1] (囲碁実戦五十番) by Inagaki Kentaro
- Igo Hiketsu Yose to Ko[1] (囲碁秘訣侵分と劫) by Seki Genkichi
- Igo Shoshin no Tebiki[1] (囲碁初心の手引) by Abe Kamejiro
- The mathematics of Go - the book 囲碁の数理 by Shimada Takuji
- Okigo Joseki Shinpo[1] (置碁定石新法) by Abe Kamejiro
- Shinan Igo Hitorimanabi[1] (新案囲碁独まなび) by Iwasa Kei
- Shin Fuseki Ho 新布石法 by Go Seigen, Kitani Minoru and Yasunaga Hajime
- Tagaisen Joseki Shinpo[1] (互先定石新法) by Abe Kamejiro
Meiji period (1868-1912)
- Dai Nihon Igo Kaishaku[1] (大日本囲碁解釈) by Inoue Yasunobu
- Hamete 1000 Dai[1] (はめ手千態) by Nakane Hojiro
- Hoen Shinpo [1] (方円新法) by Shuho
- Igo Kappo[1] (囲碁活法) by Kobayashi Kentaro
- Igo Hitoriannai[1] (囲碁独案内) by Ninomiya Shukai & Nagai Tadanori
- Igo Shinan[1] (囲碁指南) by Nomura Suetomo
- Igo Shoho[1] (囲碁初歩) by Kobayashi Kentaro & Kobayashi Tetsujiro
- Joseki Igo Shinpo[1] (定石囲碁新法) by Honinbo Shuei
- Kinko Meijin Uchigoshu[1] (近古名人打碁集) by Kobayashi Tetsujiro
- Kokon Meika Uchigoshu[1] (古今名家打碁集) by Kobayashi Tetsujiro & Kobayashi Kentaro
- Kogyoku Yoin [1] (敲玉余韻) by Ishigaya Kosaku
- Kuden Igo Hitorigeiko[1] (口伝囲碁独稽古) by Yamagata Shichizo
- Shikatsu Myoki[1] (死活妙機) by Honinbo Shusai
- Shinsen Igo Nyumon[1] (新撰囲碁入門) by Takasaki Taisaku
- Shiroto Kikan Jissen Shokai[1] (素人棋鑑) by Honinbo Shuei and Shusai
- Shinshiki Igo Hiden[1] (新式囲碁秘伝) by Karigane Junichi
- Shokai Igo Joseki[1] (詳解囲碁定石) by Kobayashi Kentaro
- Shusaku Koketsu Kifu[1] (秀策口訣棋譜) by Ishigaya Kosaku
- Urotsuki Shinsen Gokyo[1] (烏鷺杖紀) by Inagaki Kentaro
- Zain Danso [1] (坐隠談叢) by Ando Toyoji
Edo period (1603-1868)
- Ekisei Tsubiho[1] (奕正通微補) by Ko Kisei (revsied by Chen Jiru, expanded by Saito Masatsugu)
- Genran (玄覧) by Akaboshi Intetsu
- Godate Kinu Burui[1] (碁立絹篩) by Yamamoto Hokuzan
- Godate Shijuban[1] (碁立四十番) by Gengensai Shujin
- Godate Shinan Taisei[1] (碁立指南大成) by Inshi Santoku
- Gokyo Kyokuki[1] (碁経局機) by Gengensai Shujin
- Gokyo Seimyo[1] (碁經精妙, Best of the Go Classics) by Hayashi Genbi
- Gokyo Sensui[1] (碁経選粋) by Gengensai Shujin
- Gokyo Shumyo[1] (碁経衆妙) by Hayashi Genbi
- Gotate Kinuburui[1] (碁立絹篩) by Sen'ekitei Keishi
- Hyakuban Go[1] (百番碁) by Torii Inchu
- Igo Joseki Shu[1] vols 1 & 2 (囲碁定石集) by Gengensai Shujin
- Igo Hatsuyoron [1] (囲碁 発陽論) by Dosetsu Inseki
- Igo Myoden[1] (囲碁妙伝) by Gennan Inseki
- Igo Shokei[1] (囲碁捷径) by Yasui Sanchi
- Igo Shukairoku (囲碁終解録) by Gennan Inseki
- Ishikubari Jizai[1] (石配自在) by Hattori Yusetsu
- Kachi Seikyoku[1] (佳致精局) by Yasui Sanchi
- Katsugo Shinpyo (活碁新評) by Kishimoto Saichiro
- Kokugi Kanko[1] (国技観光) by Honinbo Jowa
- Okigo Jizai[1] (置碁自在) by Hattori Inshuku
- Onko Chishin Goroku[1] (温古知新棊録) by Hattori Inshuku
- Rankado Kiwa[1] (爛柯堂棋話) by Hayashi Genbi
- See also Oshiro Gofu for Edo period castle games.
[1] Free digital copies of these books are available online via a link on the book's page.
More book lists
- Many Japanese books have been translated to other languages (or vice versa):
- Go Books (European languages), Chinese Go Books, Korean Go Books
- Dictionaries page
- Go magazines for periodicals
- FredK/Japanese Book Reviews - many other books published around 2000.
See Also
- Publishers
- Japanese Go journalists
- Glossaries
- /Topics - some quick stats of words appearing in Japanese go book titles
External Links
- Japanese National Diet Library Digital Collection ('Kindai Digital Library' before May 2016) contains many old Go books. For details, see Japanese National Diet Library article.
- Union Catalogue Database of Japanese Texts (国書データベース "Kokusho database"), started in 2023, lists bibliographical data and digital scans of very old Japanese books. There are 291 items with Classificaiton:囲碁 as of June 2024.
- Akashiya Shoten (アカシヤ書店) in Tokyo is a used book store specializing in Go and Shogi books. Its Catalog (Japanese) lists about 4,000 titles.
- Jim Breen's Japanese-English translation and dictionary site
Past discussions (partly obsolete)
tchan001: I really don't think all the old Japanese books should be classified as classics. It's not a matter of digital availability from an online library. There has to be more reasons beyond just being old. For example, classics are still referred to by modern books such as Fujisawa's Tesuji Dictionary. Perhaps we should limit the classics to a more selective list such as those in this Italian list: http://blog.libero.it/IgoWeichiBaduk/5189468.html
Maybe we should classify according to their period in go history such as Edo, Meijin, Showa and Pre-WWII, and After WWII (Modern). This is the way the famous Japanese used bookstore, Akasiya-Shoten, classifies their go book collection.
tderz: Hence, canonical books become classics, even when not old.
valerio: a list of Edo books is here. Surely, many titles and names are wrong and I hope to correct them lately.
tchan001: There is another Japanese list of Edo books at http://hup.k-server.org/koten/edobooks.html
valerio: this list is the basis of mine. I translated the titles and the names of the authors (and added some other title: 97 instead of 81); I also added references to some website. I will translate also another list