Practical Life and Death Training Drill

Practical Life and Death Training Drill
series: NHK Lecture
By: Aragaki Takeshi
Publisher: NHK, 2001
ISBN10 4-14-016098-5

Practical Life and Death Training Drill (新垣武の実戦に役立つ死活反復トレーニング ISBN: 4-14-016098-5), by Aragaki Takeshi, is devoted to life and death problems. While innumerable such collections are available, this one is different: the problems consists entirely of misplayed or incompletely played common joseki or side invasion sequences.

Typically, starting from one standard position, several different mistakes are proposed as problem diagrams. Afterwards, plausible but inadequate responses to the original mistakes are also presented as new problem positions in which the original offender has the opportunity to come back to life and, sometimes, wreak amazing havoc on the opponent. In some diagrams a bunch of local positions are displayed together as one whole board position, but this seems to be more for display purposes than anything else; all the move sequences discussed are local.

While a certain percentage of the problem positions will be familiar to anyone who has studied life and death (this depends on the reader's experience, of course), many were either new to me or slightly different from familiar ones, requiring different strategies. Some of the mistakes are mentioned briefly in comprehensive joseki manuals (e.g. "Black must not play at a ,,,"), but usually only in passing, with no explanation. Certainly nearly all the positions are ordinary looking, of the sort that might occur in my own games. I now see how much I've skated on thin ice!

There are 227 problems. This is one of the NHK Lectures books which could be studied easily by readers who know only Basic Japanese for reading go books.


Richard Hunter: I also have this book, although I don't remember the lectures on TV. I rather liked the book's style.

This book is available from [ext] Kinokuniya.

Practical Life and Death Training Drill last edited by hnishy on December 17, 2022 - 02:18
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