Shinshiki Igo Hiden
Keywords: Books & Publications
Shinshiki Igo Hiden (新式囲碁秘伝, New Method Go Secrets) is a book written by Karigane Junichi, published in 1909. Describes joseki, middlegame and endgame using many military metaphors.
A Photocopy of the original book may be viewed online at the Japanese National Diet Library here.
Table of Contents
第一着点定法 (on the first move)
第一 四隅攻守篇 (corner patterns)
実戦虎の巻 (practical guides)
第二 争地軍備篇 (early middlegame)
実戦機略 (practical strategy)
第三 侵地軍争篇 (late middlegame)
第四 掠地結束篇 (endgame)
通言圖解 (proverbs)
棄石の口傳 (sacrifice)
凝形の實例 (examples of over-concentration)
黒白の先手爭ひ (compete for sente)