Shikatsu Myoki
New Life & Death Brilliant Stratagems (新案詰碁死活妙機) is a classic problem book by Honinbo Shusai in 1910. The original contains 120 problems with problem variations. Newer versions add the problem variations to the original set, bringing the total up to 168 problems, and divide the book into four thematic sections. All problems are natural, practical game-like positions. The intended audience is 5d and above, with a difficulty slightly below that of the Igo Hatsuyoron. Originally composed as prize contest problems on a newspaper.
Latest Japanese edition published by Sankaido (2004): ISBN 978-4381079770
Table of Contents for Newer Versions
- Killing (73-problems)
- Living (44-problems)
- Ko (38-problems)
- Capturing Races (13-problems)
- Life and Death Brilliant Stratagems (死活妙機); (no ISBN); (Taiwanese).
- (Photo) Weiqi Life and Death Brilliant Stratagems (围棋死活妙机) (2008); 344-pages; ISBN: 978-7-80705-833-5; published by Chengdu Shidai Publishing; (Chinese).
- Wonders of Life & Death: Honinbo Shusai's Tsumego Classic (2014); translated by John Fairbairn and published digitally by SmartGo Books; (English).
- Shikatsu Myoki. Leben und Tod. Brillante Techniken (2019); published by Brett und Stein Verlag; (German).
Online Copy
- A Photocopy of the original book may be viewed online at the Japanese National Diet Library
here (1910 ed.) and
here (1930 ed.).