Go Reader for True 5 Dan Books

  Difficulty: Expert   Keywords: Books & Publications

Go Reader for True 5 Dan Books
Publisher: Seibundo Shinkosha, 1999 to 2002
about 222 pp.

A series of 7 books for 5-dan players[1]:

  1. Considering Kikashi (キカシを考える,ISBN: 4416700261)
  2. Counter-measures To Big Moyo (大模様対策, ISBN: 441679956X)
  3. Playing Thickly (厚く打つ, Atsuku Utsu ISBN: 441670142X).
    JF provided insights, kifu and more in this [ext] rec.go.games thread (google archive).
  4. Getting Strong In The Corner (隅に強くなる,ISBN: 4416701411)
  5. How to Start Fights (戦いの仕掛け方, ISBN: 4416702388)
  6. The Tenacity of Ko (コウのねばり,ISBN: 4416701152)
  7. Counter-measures To Reading-Only Plays (悪力対策 ISBN: 4416700288)

They are all authored by the Editorial Department of the Japanese magazine Igo, priced ¥1890 for about 220 pages, 21 x 15 cm. Published between 1999 and 2002.
You may view them at the following [ext] Amazon Japan page. The books are in the order Amazon lists them: it may very well not be the order within the series.

[1] velobici: I am not competent at all to translate the titles; it's just to give an idea of the topics.

NN: If I remember correctly, it was more written about book 'Getting Strong In The Corner' (but maybe someone deleted it). Can anyone who has this book or had a chance to look at it write more info? I assume (and kind of remember from that post that disappeared) that knowledge of Japanese is not necessary to get a lot from this book. Anyone can provide more info? Thanks a lot in advance.

Hyperpapeterie: There's some discussion in the discussion/talk/forum page (I don't know what to call it) where BobMcGuigan expresses roughly the sentiment you describe about the corner book. Is that what you were thinking of?

Go Reader for True 5 Dan Books last edited by hnishy on December 16, 2022 - 11:39
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