Fukui Masaaki
Keywords: People
(福井 正明) (b.1944) Nihon Ki-in professional 9 dan. He was a student of Iwamoto Kaoru. A noted expert on the classical Go in Japan and authored many books on the subject.
Promotion History:
- 1d 1962
- 2d 1962
- 3d 1964
- 4d 1965
- 5d 1967
- 6d 1972
- 7d 1975
- 8d 1984
- 9d 2003
Author of:
- How to Improve on a 5x5 Board - 囲碁特訓 五×五―五道盤上達法 (碁スーパーブックス)
- Goshin Dosaku (碁神道策), a collection of all Dosaku games known today (2003).