Kihon Joseki Jiten

    Keywords: Joseki, Books & Publications

Kihon Joseki Jiten (基本定石事典) is the two-volume work in the Nihon Ki-in dictionary series. There are several editions:

Format (18.2 x 13.7 cm / 524 pages) and layout (4 diagrams per page) are as with the predecessor.

Also the lozenges for the marking of Jôseki (2) and approximately balanced sequences (1) remained.

There are no examples from real games any more. Anyone interested in the application of the sequences shown, must consult the likewise new Kihon Fuseki Jiten (2008 edition).


(page numbers for 2010 edition, page numbers in parentheses are of the 1996 edition):

  • Volume 1 (Komoku):
    • Keima Gakari 282 (282)
    • Ikken Taka Gakari 170 (160)
    • Ôgeima Gakari 24 (28)
    • Niken Taka Gakari 28 (26)
    • Gyaku Gakari (= Kakari at the bottom with Chinese Fuseki, see reverse approach) 6 (14)
  • Volume 2:
    • Hoshi 304 (242)
    • Mokuhazushi 132 (180)
    • Takamoku 62 (72)
    • Sansan 12 (16)

For example, included now are




Kihon Joseki Jiten last edited by hnishy on July 7, 2024 - 04:12
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