Igo Hyakunen

    Keywords: Books & Publications

1) Igo Hyaku Nen (囲碁百年) (One Hundred Years of Go) is a three volume historical discussion of Go in Japan published by Heibonsha in 1968, totaling more than 1,300 pages. Many game records are contained; 75 commentated games and 318 one diagram records (sofu) in total.

Volume 1, Senban Hissho wo Motomete 先番必勝を求めて (Searching for a Sure Win by Black) by Segoe Kensaku, is mostly devoted to the Meiji and Taisho eras and concentrating on the go of Shuho, Shuei, and Shusai.

Volume 2, Shin Fuseki Okoru 新布石興る (The Rise of the New Fuseki) by Kitani Minoru, covers the founding of the Nihon Ki-in, the development of the shin fuseki (new opening patterns) including the "game of the century" between Shusai and Go Seigen, Shusai's retirement game, the Go Seigen jubango matches, and the beginning of the system of newspaper sponsorship of tournaments.

Volume 3, Jitsuryokushugi no Jidai 実力主義の時代 (The Age of Meritocracy) by Sakata Eio, covers the new system in which titles and ranks were determined by competition and the resulting development of a group of very strong younger players.

Sample material

2) There is another book of the same title by Yasunaga Hajime, published by Jiji-Tsushinsha in 1966. Revised New edition (補訂新版) in 1989. These were expanded versions of "Igo Gojunen" (50 Years of Go) published in 1955.

Igo Hyakunen last edited by hnishy on November 27, 2022 - 09:42
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