Richard Hunter
Richard Hunter
British player living in the UK. Currently playing as around 1 dan or 2 dan. Received 4 dan certificate in 1991.
Playing regularly at Bristol go club.
Lived on the Isle of Man 2008–2009.
Lived in Tokyo, Japan 1980–2008.
Regular contributor to the British Go Journal from 1991 to 2006.
Email contact: (<first name> <underscore character> <last name> at mac dot com)
Author of ten go books.
Printed books
Cross-cut Workshop: 1st edition: July 2001; 2nd edition: March 2008
Monkey Jump Workshop: May 2002
Counting Liberties and Winning Capturing Races: April 2003, German [Lehrbücher des Go. Freiheiten und Wettläufe 2017
Key Concepts in Life and Death -- Inside Moves and Under the Stones Techniques: July 2007
Counting Liberties and Winning Capturing Races: July 2013
Key Concepts in Life and Death -- Inside Moves and Under the Stones Techniques: November 2013
Cross-cut Workshop: December 2013
The Monkey Jump: July 2014
Just Enough Japanese Volume One: April 2015, December 2023 revised
Just Enough Japanese Volume Two: December 2015
Just Enough Japanese Volume Three: April 2019
The Road to Understanding Japanese Volume One: January 2022
The Road to Understanding Japanese Volume Two: February 2021
The Road to Understanding Japanese Volume Three: March 2023
Go Interests
When I was in Japan, I used to watch Go programs on Japanese TV and I have a collection of DVD recordings. I used to browse through Second-hand bookshops in Tokyo? and I have a large collection of second-hand Japanese go books.
I'm interested in encouraging people to read Japanese go books. Here's a page to help people who know zero Japanese get started: Basic Japanese for Reading Go Books.
The iPad is a wonderful accessory for go players. I use it for studying go and Japanese, as well as for other purposes.
iPad software that I have:
Go programs that I use regularly
Go programs that I occasionally use or previously used
Japanese programs/websites that I use regularly
Shirabe Jisho
Satori Reader
StickyStudy Japanese
Japanese courses that I recommend
Some links for my benefit