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Valerio Sampieri writes the [ext] go blog and contributes to SL, but hasn't made a homepage yet.

Valerio maintains several go blogs and sites



Thanks to tapir who created this page.

Unfortunately I never studied English, so my language is often (...always...) very poor and uncorrect. Nor I can use google translate, because he spoke English worse than me! Thanks to all who spend their time correcting my texts.


January 18, 2012

MrTenuki: Hi, I noticed that you've recently created the Zhongguo Weiqi Hui page. I have a question regarding that organization, though: are you sure that "Zhiye" is part of its name? I'm asking because "Zhiye" (職業/职业) simply means "professional" in Chinese, and the Wiki page you linked to lists its name as "Zhongguo Weiqi Hui" (中國圍棋會, literally "Chinese Go Association"). Also, based on the description of the organization [ext] from the Chinese Wikipedia, it turns out that it's not a "new association." Instead, it's apparently the first professional Go association of the R.O.C. that started as an amateur Go association, was "reestablished in Taiwan" in 1952, and finally became a professional Go association in 1979. Furthermore, the organization apparently hosted the Taiwan Mingren from [ext] 1974 to 2010, the Taiwan Qiwang from [ext] 1979 to 1989, and the Taiwan Guoshou from [ext] 1981 to 1999. (It's too bad that I could not find the official website for this organization via a Google search...)

valerio: Hi, MrTenuki, thanks. Your remarks are right. Perhaps "Zhiye" is wrong. Zhongguo Weiqi Kai is the new name; a brief history of the association is in my Italian blog ([ext] a first post, a [ext] second post an a [ext] third). Zhongguo Weiqi Kai (yes, it was the "original" association) sponsored also the Shiduan (third edition started, but was left unfinished: too many players left the association) and now the new tournament Youshi Shiduan (useful links on this tournament [ext] I have a link on this association, but ... where is on my pc? :-)

MrTenuki: Thanks for the quick reply. I do have another question if you don't mind, though: Where did you get the "Kai" part in the name of the organization? I'm asking because I know that the 會 character (会 in simplified Chinese) is always pronounced "huì" in Mandarin Chinese, and further research suggests that "Kai" might be the [ext] Japanese reading for that character...

valerio: Hi, MrTenuki, you're right: "kai" is a mistake. I do not remember where I found the wrong translation. Unfortunately, I only speak Italian (I only studied French in ... 1965 !!!!!) and I usually try to check the correctness of information on multiple sources. Sometimes, however, when there are'nt news, I rely on translations of other peoples, if any, as happened in this case. I'm glad that your surgery corrects the mistake. The page should be renamed, I think. Thanks for your valuable assistance and remarks.

MrTenuki: No worries-- the wiki structure is all about collaboration, after all. :-) I actually have to thank you for being willing to take the time to contribute to SL despite the language barrier. (No, really, it takes dedication to look into sources in foreign languages that you don't understand!) Since I am able to read Chinese but otherwise don't know much about professional Go associations, I obviously can't start those articles myself-- so I try to improve translations when possible.

Tapir: Hi all, it would be helpful next time if you could move the result of your discussion to PageNameChangeRequests otherwise any mistakes will remain ;-)

Hyperpape: You manage everything you do without speaking any east Asian languages? Impressive!

On another note, do you have an email address I could use to contact you? I am justin (dot) blank (at) gmail (dot) com.

valerio last edited by on January 25, 2012 - 17:40
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