The Invasions that Amateurs Don't Know

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The Invasions that Amateurs Don't Know - Dictionary of Countermeasures
By: Awaji Shuzo
Publisher: MyCom

In Japanese, アマの知らない打ち込み対策事典, literally, The Invasions that Amateurs Don't Know - Dictionary of Countermeasures.[1]

This is a book by Awaji Shuzo, 9-dan. It is a dictionary of common corner and side positions, with examples of common invasions and standard responses.


Tamsin: It is written in fairly easy Japanese, and there are many diagrams (typically one to introduce the theme, and three per page of discussion about it). There is also a clear and easy to use index.

What I particularly like about the book are the following three features. One, Awaji provides a 'danger rating' for each theme position showing you how severe an invasion would be if you allowed it: a 0% rating means that you can kill an invasion, while an 80% rating suggests that you ought not play tenuki. Two, Awaji provides several lines of play, but labels the most solid and reliable one as オススメ or 'recommended'. This helps you to prioritise your study. Third, Awaji not only gives you replies to standard invasions, but also suggests the best ways to prevent them. Helpfully, he labels these as 守り方, 'way of defending'.

I find it quite easy to extract principles from the examples Awaji gives - it's not only a dictionary, but also an instructive book. It's probably too difficult for inexperienced and mid-kyu players, and likely too easy for high dans, but at around my level (high kyu, low dan) I would expect it to be a very handy work.

Table of Contents

to be added

Sample Material

to be added

[1] Bill: Perhaps the title means Dictionary of Invasion Countermeasures that Amateurs Don't Know? See forum for more.

The Invasions that Amateurs Don't Know last edited by velobici on August 10, 2008 - 16:30
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