Maeda Tsumego
Maeda Tsumego, by Maeda Nobuaki, comprise three volumes of the series 実力囲碁新書 Each of the following books have three problems to a page with answers on the overleaf. Each problem is rated with a notation such as 5 ~ 7 kyu (級). In addition to the typical answers of alive (活) and dead (死), acceptable answers include: ko (劫), te ari (手有) and success, prevail (勝). As can be seen by the problems below, the level is quite high. These are not easy problems.
- Volume One: Maeda Shokyuu Tsume-go (前田初級詰碁): 10-5 kyu, contains 225 problems in 152 pages. Tokyo Sogensha, 1965, ISBN: 4488000045 (
Amazon Japan)
- Volume Two: Maeda Chuukyuu Tsume-go (前田中級詰碁) : 1-5 kyu, contains 210 problems. Tokyo Sogensha, 1965, ISBN: 4488000053 (
Amazon Japan)
- Volume Three: Maeda Jookyuu Tsume-go (前田上級詰碁): 1 kyu to dan-level, contains 150 problems. Tokyo Sogensha, 1966, ISBN: 4488000061 (
Amazon Japan).
Reprint (2008)
- 前田詰碁集 Maeda Tsumego (set) ISBN 978-4-488-00021-9
amazon 3 volume set (only secondhand copies available)
- 前田初級詰碁 Maeda Beginners Tsumego ISBN 978-4-488-00004-2
- 前田中級詰碁 Maeda Intermediate Tsumego ISBN 978-4-488-00005-9
- 前田上級詰碁 Maeda Advanced Tsumego ISBN 978-4-488-00006-6
Revised edition (2019)
Same publisher, now in two volumes. Edited by Ohashi Hirofumi. According to a reviewer on Amazon Japan, this edition omits problem ratings (dan/kyu).
- 改訂版 前田詰碁(上) ISBN 978-4488001032
upper volume
- 改訂版 前田詰碁(下) ISBN 978-4488001049
lower volume
Bob McGuigan: Maeda was considered a master tsumego composer and these three volumes are true classics. Along with Gokyo Shumyo they have long been a standard recommendation of pros to amateurs wishing to get stronger. They were out of print for many years until the three volume set was reprinted. Each page has three problem positions on one full board diagram, some black to play and some white to play. The problems may be to live, kill or, occasionally, escape to the outside. Ko is sometimes a solution. Each book is aimed at a particular range of playing strengths: volume 1(beginner level), 10k to 4k; volume 2(intermediate level), 4k to 1k; volume 3(advanced level),1k to dan level. These ranks are, of course, approximate estimates only, and they are the old Japanese ranks which were much stronger than modern ranks, probably stronger than current American ranks. The problems tend to be difficult for the levels given if interpreted by modern standards. Each problem has a hint, in Japanese, such as "Use White's single stone to spoil Black's eye shape", or "Use two White stones as a sacrifice". These problem collections are distinguished by their coverage of basic life-and-death tesuji through imaginatively composed problems. Many of the shapes could occur in actual play. Ever since they were first published they have been considered musts for serious go students. Many subsequent authors have borrowed problems from these sets.
Table of Contents
to be added