This page contains a list of go book publishers. Please visit the publisher pages for more details.
English [1]
English Self-Publishers
Inactive English
- Yutopian
- Hinoki Press
- Fourth Line Press
- Good Move Press
- Ishi Press
- Oromedia
- Power Publications
- Sabaki Go Company
- Whole Board Press
- Tuttle
- Brett und Stein Verlag (published a few books in English, French, Spanish and Dutch as well)
Chinese [2]
Heibonsha 平凡社
Ikeda Shoten 池田書店
Kawade Shobou Shinsha 河出書房新社
- Ki'en Tosho 棋苑図書 (defunct)
MyNavi マイナビ出版 (MYCOM (Mainichi Communications) 毎コミbefore 2011)
NHK Shuppan NHK出版 (NHKLecture)
Nihon Igo Renmei 日本囲碁連盟 Note: This is a publishing/education company, despite of its association-like name.
- Nihon Kiin 日本棋院
- Sankaido? 山海堂 (defunct)
- Seibido 成美堂
- Seibundo Shinkosha 誠文堂新光社
Tokyo Sogensha 東京創元社
Korean [2]
[1] At least some of their books are written in the English language.
[2] The Chinese and Korean publishers listed is only a small portion. Feel free to add more.
[3] The following are mostly book distributors rather than publishers: Hebsacker Verlag (Germany), Ibuki Trading Post (USA),
J.W. & S. Hardy (Australia), Samarkand (USA) and Schaak en Gowinkel het Paard (Netherlands).
The former BGA book shop owner, Gerry Mills, was responsible for several of the publishing companies introducing short labels for their books. For example, Yutopian would have books Y1, Y2 etc. This helped him catalog the books for sale more easily.