Zain Danso

    Keywords: Culture & History

Zain Danso (Japanese: 坐隠談叢 English: Conversations on Go - A Go History) is an early, influential 20th century work on go history written by Ando Nyoi in Japan.

It is particularly notable for the author's negatively biased account of Honinbo Jowa towards securing the position of Meijin Godokoro, which eventually helped lead to Jowa being informally stripped on his Go Sage title and Shusaku being given the title during Japan's post-WWII period. The book also contains more than 100 game records.


Later editions add chapters on newer history.

Several editions are available at the Japanese National Diet Library, including [ext] 1910 one-volume edition and [ext] 1955 edition.

Zain Danso last edited by hnishy on June 12, 2024 - 08:16
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