
Sub-page of DieterVerhofstadt


Advanced strategy

  1. Play away from thickness: If a stone is added in the neighbourhood of a thick position, the functionality of the extra stone is low. It doesn't add to the stability of the thick position and merely develops. The development is bound to be overconcentrated.
  2. The enemy's key point is yours (from equivalence and flexibility)
  3. Capture the cutting stones: capturing cutting stones accomplishes two things: connection and eyespace (resulting from the capturing of the stones)
  4. Cut the side you don't want: if you have the choice between two sides to cut a position, the choice must be guided by the opponent's desire to capture the cutting stones. If you cut the other side than the one you want, the opponent will capture those stones, while you can cut again at the side you want.
  5. Don't build influence in the direction of stable positions.
  6. Build box shaped territories (efficiency, territory)
  7. Approach from the wider side (development)
  8. Block on the wider side (development)
  9. More on efficiency (liberties/stones ratio)

More technical proverbs

  1. Nets are better than ladders. Lingering potential.
  2. bump and stretch
  3. Capture the ladder as soon as possible. (reduce flexibility for the opponent)
  4. Don't peep where you can cut (connection, flexibility)
  5. Reduce a framework by playing on the sector line (from attacking techiques and connection principle)
  6. Attack from a distance

Combining basic technique with basic strategy

Attributing location to basic sequences

  1. Answering the capping play from the third and fourth line:

A capping play prevents the development for a stone towards the center. Such a stone wants to restore its potential development. For a stone on the third line, this means making a basic move towards the fourth line, which amounts to a knight's move. For a stone on the fourth line, this means making a basic move on the fourth line, which amounts to a one space jump.

Corner sequences

Side sequences


Advanced tactics

Tewari analysis

One two three


Capturing & Connecting techniques

Attacking techniques

Defensive techniques

Endgame techniques

Life and death techniques

Middle game joseki

To review

DieterVerhofstadt/GoTheoryToDo last edited by Dieter on May 25, 2020 - 15:50
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