Teaching Methods

Path: <= SL Journal
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This page refers to a number of known methods to teach Go, aimed at various levels. It also points to several discussion pages here at SL about the subject of teaching. Not all links on this page are part of the path (e.g. external links)

Table of contents


The method of teaching can take the following into account:

  • What is the audience, in general?
  • How many teachers, how many pupils?
  • How old are the pupils?
  • What is the environment of the teaching (class, club, games expo)?
  • Online or in real life?
  • What is the expected timeframe for the teaching?
  • What, if you have no playing material at hand?
  • What, if your pupil cannot see the board?

How to explain the game (not really teaching)

Casually you have to explain the game, the clearer - the better.

Good and bad habits when teaching

Terrible ways to "teach" Go to a beginner (essentially, in our zeal, we overexplain everything). Please see:

Thoughts about teaching

Thoughts about Learning Process & Progress

Audience levels

How strong is your pupil

Teaching Go to absolute beginners

For teaching beginners there are generally three approaches

Teaching Go to beginners, who already know the basic rules

(some possible orders for your teaching)

Teaching Go to more experienced players

More experienced players can turn towards an established teacher or apply self study. Pages on SL include

Teachers use various techniques to transfer knowledge to pupils. This section summarizes various techniques that are available to diversify teaching. In a sense, this is the raison d'etre of Sensei's, so maybe the whole library should be viewed as such a repository.

Teaching Long Time Players

Is different from 'experienced', as playing for 20, 30, 40 years burns some playing styles and lines of play into the players mind.

Teaching Go to Children

Personalized teaching methods and experiences:

Special teaching issues

Tools, programs, technical aid, copyright

Understanding the person

(why asking, learning, studying, not understanding, ...)

Promotion (in the street, at exhibitions, ...)
Beginner player
Long time player

Link collections

  • axd collects on his sub page Axd/CandidateSLPages some interesting links. See sub titles 'Analogies', 'Promoting', 'Introducing Go', 'KGS Teaching Protocol', 'Reviewing notes',


Movies / Videos

External Links

Path: <= SL Journal
Teaching Methods last edited by GoFederation on February 3, 2024 - 13:12
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