Descent tesuji
This descent tesuji is a simple but easy-to-overlook way to gain a liberty, in corner capturing races:
It looks as if Black has lost this race, with three liberties against four. But will create a shortage of liberties for White, who will have to spend an extra approach move:
The descent tesuji in the end game
The descent tesuji also has its uses in the endgame. is a smart way to defend against a White cut at a. After a white play at 'b'' becomes an auto atari
For other descent tesuji see:
This move is sometimes called sagari in English, but according to John F. this term would not be used here in Japanese, the right term is orikiri.
- Bill: John can speak for himself, but, as I read his comments, he indicated that for descents to the first line, the term orikiri is preferred.
- In any event, Segoe and Go Seigen refer to this particular tesuji as sagari in their Tesuji Dictionary. Also, Sakata uses sagari for descents to the first line in Tesuji and Anti-Suji of Go.