DieterVerhofstadt/Studying Games of Otake

Sub-page of DieterVerhofstadt

In Summer 2011 I took up the study of games by Otake Hideo, a player whose style I adore and want to emulate. His style is about acquiring influence and thickness, letting the opponent take territory or creating big moyos, and have his thickness gradually prevail and tear down the opponent's structures. His moves are seemingly comprehensible and logical, something that one can also feel with Takemiya Masaki, however the latter uses influence to create a grand moyo which the opponent needs to invade, so that the game inevitably becomes a large scale fight.

I acknowledge that understanding Otake may be superficial and illusionary, because there is probably just as much reading and tactical ability involved, at least much more than I can handle. Hence, the exercise may be mostly about acquiring a feeling and drawing an advantage from trying to emulate a professional players' game.

In 2020 I continued the exercise, now using KataGo for analysis.

See [ext]

DieterVerhofstadt/Studying Games of Otake last edited by Dieter on January 7, 2020 - 13:34
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