DieterVerhofstadt/Advice to beginners

Sub-page of DieterVerhofstadt

When you start playing Go, you will be overwhelmed with good advice and information. Let me give you ... more advice.


  1. Play to learn. Try to win (that's the purpose of the game) but don't let losses disturb you.
  2. Listen to better players' advice but don't seek their approval as a substitute for your own mastery of the game.
  3. Strike a balance between implementing what you've learnt and playing by (faulty) instinct.


  1. Play a lot. Play many small board games.
  2. Try to play with a good mood.
  3. Review your games briefly.

Tactics, technique and strategy

1. Tactics: always read at least two moves deep. Do not assume that your opponent will not answer. If your move is only a good move if he doesn't answer, it is a bad move.

2. Technique: If after your opponent's answer your group has not many liberties, probably as many or fewer than before, then reconsider your move.

3. Strategy: Think about the game as most alive stones wins. Connect. Cut. Usually, strengthening/weakening a local position is best. If the local position seems ok, look for the largest open area.

DieterVerhofstadt/Advice to beginners last edited by Dieter on May 5, 2014 - 17:30
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