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Table of contents

1. The 25 most popular pages created in the last 30 days

  1. 168 ... Shitsudai
  2. 108 ... Niu Xian-Xian
  3. 88 ... Wu Qingyuan (movie)
  4. 83 ... ThirdLineCapture/old discussion
  5. 71 ... HoninboGenjo/discussion
  6. 67 ... CapturingRaceExercise39/Solution
  7. 64 ... Steffi Hebsacker
  8. 62 ... Simple Scoring
  9. 58 ... EndgameProblem24/Attempts
  10. 57 ... CapturingRaceExercise34/Solution
  11. 56 ... CapturingRaceExercise32/Solution
  12. 56 ... CapturingRaceExercise33/Solution
  13. 51 ... Eba Hiroki
  14. 50 ... Reddit
  15. 47 ... Shin Jinseo Youtube Reviews
  16. 45 ... Japan Go Federation
  17. 45 ... OkuraKishichiro/Obsolete discussions
  18. 43 ... TsumegoFromGames19/Solution
  19. 36 ... Suzuki Chisei
  20. 31 ... Banri Ikku
  21. 21 ... Hanmanchu

2. The 50 most popular pages created in the last 6 months

  1. 503 ... One Pure Rules
  2. 249 ... 100ChallengingGoProblemsFor100DaysOfStudy/Problem 32
  3. 238 ... 100 Challenging Go Problems For 100 Days Of Study / Problem 1
  4. 228 ... Cross cut example 4
  5. 215 ... 4-4 Point Small Knight Approach, Low Extension, Slide, Pincer, Tsukehiki
  6. 204 ... Hackenbush games
  7. 197 ... Xray Monkey Jump
  8. 196 ... DieterVerhofstadt / Temperature
  9. 173 ... Ben Lockhart
  10. 168 ... 100ChallengingGoProblemsFor100DaysOfStudy/Problem 14
  11. 168 ... Shitsudai
  12. 165 ... 4-4 Point Low Approach, Small Knight Extension, Slide, Pincer, One-Space Jump
  13. 153 ... Professional game fragments on SL
  14. 151 ... Im Sang Gyu
  15. 145 ... 4-4 point low approach high extension peep
  16. 145 ... Bruno Poltronieri
  17. 142 ... Go Mi-so
  18. 141 ... Will Lockhart
  19. 135 ... Badischer Go-Verein
  20. 135 ... Gyofukai
  21. 134 ... DietersStudyWithAIIn2024/Exercise 14
  22. 133 ... Double atari as a tesuji
  23. 131 ... SirTinky
  24. 129 ... Hirotsuki Zekken
  25. 129 ... Kuwabara (Hikaru character)
  26. 129 ... Swimming
  27. 125 ... MiaiCountingProblem1/Attempts
  28. 125 ... Resign when winning
  29. 123 ... Ye Zihan
  30. 122 ... Takayama Nonoka
  31. 112 ... YiYeongJu
  32. 111 ... Kansai Igokai
  33. 109 ... Seki Ryosuke
  34. 109 ... XuanxuanQijingProblem150/Solution
  35. 108 ... DietersStudyWithAIIn2024/Exercise 1
  36. 108 ... DietersStudyWithAIIn2024/Exercise 4
  37. 108 ... Niu Xian-Xian
  38. 106 ... Eom Dong-geon
  39. 104 ... rwk
  40. 103 ... DietersStudyWithAIIn2024/Exercise 2
  41. 102 ... jurara
  42. 99 ... DietersStudyWithAIIn2024/Exercise 6
  43. 99 ... [HomePage] Dyin Rich
  44. 94 ... [HomePage] LibreBell8
  45. 93 ... DietersStudyWithAIIn2024/Exercise 11
  46. 92 ... DietersStudyWithAIIn2024/Exercise 8
  47. 91 ... DietersStudyWithAIIn2024/Exercise 5
  48. 91 ... DietersStudyWithAIIn2024/Exercise 7
  49. 88 ... Kang Jae-woo
  50. 88 ... Wu Qingyuan (movie)

3. The 100 most popular pages of all time

  1. 6216961 ... Front Page
  2. 2248869 ... Recent Changes
  3. 727149 ... Link Collection
  4. 639258 ... Starting Points
  5. 520305 ... Beginner Study Section
  6. 494905 ... Reference Section
  7. 487351 ... [Path] How to Use Wiki
  8. 482450 ... Pages for Beginners
  9. 443640 ... Hikaru No Go
  10. 428620 ... Japanese name suffix
  11. 388603 ... Rules of Go - introductory
  12. 387170 ... [Path] Joseki
  13. 380132 ... Go
  14. 359447 ... Sensei's Library
  15. 340901 ... Find Page
  16. 337800 ... Rank - worldwide comparison
  17. 317328 ... Go-Playing Programs
  18. 311018 ... Go servers
  19. 303439 ... [Alias] Message Board
  20. 293030 ... Problems and Exercises
  21. 286909 ... [Path] Go Proverbs
  22. 266499 ... Seki
  23. 259888 ... [Path] Tesuji
  24. 235566 ... [Path] 3-4 point Josekis
  25. 233388 ... Go Books
  26. 232309 ... [Path] Life and Death
  27. 231748 ... Recent Changes / All
  28. 230263 ... Text Formatting Rules - Introduction
  29. 213864 ... KGS Go Server
  30. 213303 ... Go Terms
  31. 211844 ... List of Korean names
  32. 203599 ... [Path] 4-4 point Josekis
  33. 197938 ... Wiki Wiki Web
  34. 185573 ... Ladder
  35. 184696 ... Tsumego
  36. 175251 ... Onegai shimasu
  37. 169728 ... Japanese Go Terms
  38. 167380 ... Sand Box
  39. 165246 ... User Preferences
  40. 162632 ... [Path] Beginner Exercises
  41. 161946 ... Ko
  42. 161368 ... Smart Game Format
  43. 156263 ... Fuseki
  44. 153933 ... Sente
  45. 149502 ... Aji
  46. 149502 ... Miai
  47. 149084 ... Tenuki
  48. 146022 ... Basic Instinct
  49. 144464 ... Hane
  50. 143803 ... GNU Go
  51. 143262 ... Shusaku
  52. 141274 ... [Path] Net
  53. 141187 ... Professional Players' Go Styles
  54. 136744 ... Chinese Fuseki
  55. 133044 ... Scoring
  56. 132281 ... Monkey Jump
  57. 131562 ... Framework
  58. 131299 ... Understanding Wiki Pages
  59. 130230 ... 4-4 point low approach
  60. 129752 ... Komi
  61. 127247 ... BenjaminTeuber / Guide To Become Strong
  62. 126533 ... Go Board
  63. 125821 ... Enclosure
  64. 125720 ... Sabaki
  65. 124905 ... Go Seigen
  66. 124865 ... Nuclear Tesuji
  67. 124741 ... Yi Ch'ang-ho
  68. 124307 ... Kikashi
  69. 123329 ... 33 Point Invasion
  70. 122946 ... Go Editing Programs
  71. 122574 ... Ear-reddening Game
  72. 122222 ... Most Popular
  73. 121815 ... Zen (go program)
  74. 119311 ... Go Databases
  75. 115902 ... Equipment Dimensions
  76. 114466 ... Bent four in the corner
  77. 111413 ... Capturing race
  78. 110979 ... Hikaru No Go/Games
  79. 110063 ... Cho Chikun
  80. 109155 ... [Alias] Yi Se-tol
  81. 108695 ... Go Programs
  82. 107773 ... 3-4 point
  83. 107163 ... Sanrensei fuseki
  84. 105902 ... L-group
  85. 105854 ... Great Quotes
  86. 105149 ... [Path] General Opening Principles
  87. 104771 ... Keima
  88. 104379 ... Rules of Go
  89. 103846 ... TouchGraph WikiBrowser
  90. 102413 ... Squeeze tesuji
  91. 102396 ... Kosumi
  92. 101941 ... [Path] Go History
  93. 101220 ... [Path] Don't help your opponent exercises
  94. 101098 ... Chinese Go Terms
  95. 100641 ... Go stones
  96. 99343 ... 9x9 Strategy
  97. 99178 ... [Path] Shape
  98. 95778 ... Oiotoshi
  99. 95567 ... Hikaru No Go Manga
  100. 95557 ... Basic living eye shapes

History of Most Popular

Most Popular last edited by Dieter on September 23, 2021 - 21:24
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