Xray Monkey Jump
This isn't a standard name, but the shape is common enough that I think it deserves a name -- xela
In this diagram, black would like to play the monkey jump at a, but it looks like the marked white stone is in the way. However, black a still works, because white is short of liberties. I call this the x-ray monkey jump, because black can see through an apparently solid obstacle. (The clamp at b is always an option in this position, but a is usually the better move if it works.)
This choice of is more complicated, but after , if white tries to block with then again black can capture some stones. Note that at a also works, but this choice of is usually better. If white plays elsewhere at this point, then later threatens to rescue the stones as a ko threat, then this choice of minimises white's possible gain, while black a instead makes for a bigger ko threat.
When white has an extra liberty at or near a, or when the marked black stone is missing, usually this means that the x-ray monkey jump fails: white can block safely. But depending on the nearby shape, there is potential for ko: see the next two diagrams.
In this position, black x-rays in from the marked stone on the right. Because of the liberty at a, can't connect out, but black can make a ko for the life of the white group.
See also:
- oki wants ikken tobi, playing a defensive move one space across from the x-ray monkey jump.
- Gokyo Shumyo, Section 2, Problem 24: there are other ways to create shortage of liberties in this shape!