Xray Monkey Jump

  Difficulty: Intermediate   Keywords: Tesuji, Shape, Tactics, Go term

This isn't a standard name, but the shape is common enough that I think it deserves a name -- xela

Black to play  

In this diagram, black would like to play the monkey jump at a, but it looks like the marked white stone is in the way. However, black a still works, because white is short of liberties. I call this the x-ray monkey jump, because black can see through an apparently solid obstacle. (The clamp at b is always an option in this position, but a is usually the better move if it works.)

White's failure, simple version  

If white simply blocks at W2, then black can capture some stones this way.

White's failure, more reading required  

This choice of W2 is more complicated, but after B3, if white tries to block with W4 then again black can capture some stones. Note that B5 at a also works, but this choice of B5 is usually better. If white plays elsewhere at this point, then later threatens to rescue the stones as a ko threat, then this choice of B5 minimises white's possible gain, while black a instead makes for a bigger ko threat.

Usual best play  

Usually, after B3, white should give way at W4.

Can't monkey jump when there's a liberty?  

When white has an extra liberty at or near a, or when the marked black stone is missing, usually this means that the x-ray monkey jump fails: white can block safely. But depending on the nearby shape, there is potential for ko: see the next two diagrams.

Ko example 1  

In this position, black x-rays in from the marked stone on the right. Because of the liberty at a, B1 can't connect out, but black can make a ko for the life of the white group.

Ko example 2  

Here, black a next will make a ko.

See also:

Xray Monkey Jump last edited by xela on March 3, 2024 - 11:59
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