SL Statistics


Some statistics about Sensei's Library, dated January 15th, 2011.

See also: MostPopular, DistanceFromFrontPage, PagesByDistance

Table of contents

Rate at which new pages are created

Rate at which new pages are created
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
January 69 72 334 160 233 114 96 112 211 130
February 50 32 265 121 181 99 162 106 105 100
March 49 71 222 174 137 114 91 107 131 126
April 56 68 191 148 153 79 111 67 380 71
May 180 68 377 281 254 154 158 125 233 56
June 68 204 339 186 140 238 293 140 131 49
July 113 271 291 205 168 358 211 164 143 59
August 186 232 116 150 207 155 134 98 150 115
September 69 800 141 160 187 135 63 65 78 80
October 14 80 378 209 216 220 113 66 130 107 68
November 163 79 775 195 308 199 112 127 178 151 53
December 15 87 456 171 186 231 116 545 152 145 53
Sum 192 1086 3427 2851 2295 2310 1787 2057 1444 1965 960


  • The count only shows current pages in the library. If a page is deleted then the count of the page's creation month decreases accordingly. Over 1000 pages have been deleted since July 2006 (no prior data available.)

Most pages created on one day

Most pages created on a single day
Date new pages
2007-12-07 233
2009-04-22 168
2002-11-13 109
2007-12-06 100
2002-09-28 95
2002-09-27 83
2002-08-08 77
2002-09-17 77
2002-11-14 70
2009-04-28 68
2002-09-23 68

For comparison:

  • in 2010 the most pages were created on 2010-08-05 (26 pages)
  • in 2009 the most pages were created on 2009-04-22 (168 pages)
  • in 2008 the most pages were created on 2008-11-20 (41 pages)
  • in 2007 the most pages were created on 2007-12-07 (233 pages)
  • in 2006 the most pages were created on 2006-07-10 (49 pages)
  • in 2005 the most pages were created on 2005-12-31 (51 pages)
  • in 2004 the most pages were created on 2004-11-20 (42 pages)
  • in 2003 the most pages were created on 2003-01-30 (53 pages)
  • in 2002 the most pages were created on 2002-08-08 (137 pages)
  • in 2001 the most pages were created on 2001-05-07 (21 pages)
  • in 2000 the most pages were created on 2000-11-16 (27 pages).

Pages last modified

Pages last modified in a given month
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
January 277 76 137 111 156 136 401 321
February 78 39 177 84 132 106 172 257
March 124 55 96 113 108 141 296 319
April 56 65 112 99 107 80 441 199
May 182 209 158 129 146 129 321 156
June 242 115 114 125 139 287 313 160
July 143 96 110 414 145 1148 318 221
August 82 60 74 121 222 147 214 257 324
September 147 272 94 159 114 66 179 325 260
October 86 144 116 185 152 112 1192 249 317
November 310 120 182 176 119 170 283 324 327
December 131 62 130 220 122 146 319 334 304
Sum 756 1760 1251 1765 1804 1574 4214 3751 3165

In the last 180 days 1938 pages were modified, 18500 pages remained untouched (of which 2567 are alias pages). During that time period 3945 major edits and 1413 minor edits occurred, making an average 3.79 edits per modified page.

How often are pages edited?

Version is the version number of the pages and shows how often a page has been edited and saved.

How often are pages edited?
Version Pages
1 3188
2 2446
3 1904
4 1890
5 1299
6 993
7 791
8 722
9 585
10 488
11 401
12 398
13 351
14 312
15 275
16 279
17 218
18 216
19 192
20 188
21-30 1239
31-40 610
41-50 356
51-100 677
>100 420

There are 11 pages with >1000 versions:

Pages with more than 1000 versions
Pagename Version
SandBox 4029
MessageBoard 2964
BugReport 1584
CoffeeMachine 1546
DragonTourney2007/Round1Open 1500
WikiOrphans 1420
EuropeanGoTournamentCalendar 1389
MetaDiscussion 1360
GoNews 1305
DragonTourney2007/Round1HandicapOpen 1135
WuRenGo2/White 1054

Series with most pages

Series with most pages
Series Pages
GokyoShumyoTsumegoSeries 972
BeginnerExercises 748
BigQuestionMark 570
XuanxuanQijingProblems 553
KyuExercises 363
TsumegoFromGames 359
ShikatsuMyokiTsumegoSeries 341
IgoHatsuyoRonProblems 224
RandomTsumego 221
XianJiWuKuProblems (LeatherScrollProblems) 187
GokyoSeimyoTsumegoSeries 169
SystematicJoseki 124

Links among pages

Outgoing links per page

Number of outgoing links from pages
Links Number of pages
0 2436
1 6793
2 2615
3 2261
4 1359
5 940
6 836
7 663
8 583
9 514
10 459
11 349
12 359
13 269
14 233
15 228
16 197
17 175
18 162
19 120
20 122
21-30 729
31-40 294
41-50 136
51-100 195
>100 62

Note: numbers may be slightly off, because of links generated by templates or by automatic links to subpages.

Incoming links per page

Number of incoming links to pages
Links Number of pages
0 1536
1 11349
2 4385
3 2254
4 1354
5 924
6 609
7 465
8 367
9 262
10 190
11 177
12 130
13 134
14 121
15 105
16 93
17 88
18 87
19 75
20 65
21-30 374
31-40 197
41-50 103
51-100 223
>100 182


  • numbers may be slightly off, because of links generated by templates or by automatic links to subpages.
  • Of the 1536 pages with zero incoming links are 542 aliases, 633 subpages, and 347 homepages.

Top searches in the past 31 days

Top search terms in the past 31 days
Position Count Search term Position 2006 Position 2004
1 391 joseki 1 1
2 160 fuseki 3 2
3 115 kgs 2 3
4 94 tesuji 4 10
5 84 tsumego 15
6 61 monkey jump 20 18
7 61 invasion 10
8 56 rank 5 12
9 54 tenuki 13
10 54 android
11 53 middle game
12 48 software 14
13 47 seki 6 8
14 44 sente 12
15 44 sabaki
16 44 komi 21
17 44 go seigen
18 44 books 8
19 42 handicap 7 7
20 41 goban 19
21 40 ko
22 40 9x9
23 38 moyo 11
24 37 opening
25 36 shape 18
25 36 ladder
25 36 go servers

SL Statistics last edited by on February 6, 2024 - 04:04
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