Wiki Indexes
A wiki index is a page which contains a link to many/most/all of the pages in the wiki. The index can be organised in different ways, hence presenting the wiki contents in different ways.
When 'new' users arrive, if we have an index available which 'fits' what he has come to look for, he will easier be able to get more out of the wiki. So, defining a good set of indexes might be useful.
On SL, the following indexes are currently available:
- RecentChanges
- By far the most popular index, lists pages in reverse chronological order, ordered by last edit.
- FindPage
- Can list any page based on title search or full text search. Strangely enough, not used very often.
- DistanceFromFrontpage
- Potentially very useful in that it describes how 'deep' a user needs to go to find certain pages. In practice, pages which can not be reached from the FrontPage are WikiOrphans
- PageHeaderData
- Pages can be listed by Page header. At the moment, this is done by clicking on the relevant page header term on a page which already has that page header Try clicking on SLDescription above)
- PagesByDistance
- Each page is listed together with a number which indicates how easy it is to find the particular page. Pages which are often linked to will appear high on the list, pages which are not as well connectde to other pages appear lower down. WikiOrphans appear at the bottom of this list.
- UndefinedPages
- Lists the pages which are linked to but not yet defined.
- MostPopular
- List the 50 most popular pages by total hitcount (since the dawn of time ?)
Are there other indexing schemes which might be useful and ease the entry into the wiki?
How about an index which:
- UserRatedPages?
- If a user rating is implemented, pages can be listed based on rating.
- OutgoingLinksCount?
- Pages which have many outgoing links will be listed first. Sort of complementary to the PagesByDistance.
- OverallWikiGraphic?
- The mind boggles at the possibilities :-)
- LeastPopular?
- axd:The N pages with oldest last time visited; why are these pages not visited any more?
- Arno: does not make much sense, as search engines produce hits to pages about once a week.
- IncomingLinksCount?
- Well, this is clear...
(I'm just prodding for ideas here - feel free to suggest others.)
axd - 'most popular' pages are based on total hit counts, how about average hits per time unit?