John F. I think a case can be made for disputing removal of "non-go related facts". The reference (not mine) to motor cars highlights the fact that the burgeoning car industry was probably the main advertiser in Kido when Okura was in charge of the Nihon Ki-in, and while I have no idea whether he was responsible for this, there is a good chance he was. The reference to racing may be a useful reminder he was prepared to be a risk-taker (e.g. being responsible for locating Go Seigen in Japan).
Herman: Ok, that might be a useful addition to the article. I mainly edited it like that because it was a straight copy from wikipedia, so I thought I would make it more suitable for Sensei's Library.
Willemien I would like at least to keep the link to the wikipedia article , but more hope that others gan tell more about him. (I guess that on the Nihon Ki-in site there is more about him, as he is in the Nihon Ki-in Hall of Fame but I cannot read Japanese) Also I thought that the Tokyo University of Economics? !TUE was involved in a computer? go tournament, that is why I made a link for it.