100 Challenging Go Problems For 100 Days Of Study / Problem 1

Problem 1 (White to play)  

According to the book, this problem was solved by 12% of the respondents.

My choice: As a 2d (KGS) my eyes turn to the top side and the right side. In the top right, White can choose to reinforce at A or pincer at B. Given the white group in the lower right is not settled and can be attacked, reinforcing at C looks a proper move which also puts some pressure on the top right. D is probably too slow. So my choice goes to C but I could fathom any move between B and C.

The book's "correct answer"  

The book's answer: (my rewording)

Turning at W1 forces the sequence up to B6. This provides a wall to extend from at W7 which then also takes the ideal spot to pincer black+circle. KataGo "sees" this sequence too but favors another move

Why is B2 forced?  

If B2 takes the ideal point for himself, then White forces Black into a low position. This is KataGo's sequence. The book gives a different sequence but with a similar result.

KataGo's answer  

KataGo's answer: with 100K playouts and counting KataGo prefers to make a base for the lower right.

W1 and C both get a W+3.3 valuation, compared to 2.6 for the book's solution. After two incidental forcing moves at B2 and B4, Black pincers the white corner at B6.

This is almost what the book gives as a failure diagram. It says that after W1 Black will play B6 and this is too easygoing by White.

My appreciation: upon seeing the solution in the book, I could appreciate the straightforward and active sequence. The final move being a dual purpose move indeed appealed to me as an ideal move. Although KataGo confirms my initial choice, I agree with the book that it gives the initiative to Black, who can pincer the upper right corner.

100 Challenging Go Problems For 100 Days Of Study / Problem 1 last edited by hnishy on August 15, 2024 - 04:00
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