Connect instead of hane
Sometimes, one has to counter one's basic instinct and connect instead of hane.
This double keima-like shape is often seen, not only on the second and third lines.
When White plays , your basic instinct (hane against tsuke) may compel you to play a, making a tiger shape.
However, connecting with is generally better. Now Black can either take profit at a or c or jump to b. If instead ...
... he hanes, the atari forces an answer. After
, Black is forced into a low position.
Incidentally, is a keima connection, and another example of technique. For comparison, ...
are submissive.
This is an example of tewari: the inversion of move order shows us something is wrong with the hane in the third diagram.
Disputing tewari and some questions
tapir: I don't particularly like this tewari example because while it claims that Black made two less than optimal moves, White made just as much. Look in the tewari diagram at , it is a wasted move - making an empty triangle in gote,
next forces Black to live in the corner, but leaves a cutting point behind. Also I ask myself, is
not better played as atari? (Then the corner is safe already, also White can not close the side in sente as with this forward played
unkx80: I don't know how to assess this position. I would like to have white though. But note that already makes black low in the first place.
tapir: Me too. This diagram should expose the argument in the tewari above. It gives and concludes that would be bad for White now, since Black would play at
and not the hane now. It is not a sequence that will happen in any game though.
In the situation given above there is no , but then White is strong and will get an extension while Black is very low on the side, but maybe living when you tenukied on the approach is good enough.
Let us look at .