Korean Go Terms
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After the recent boom of Korea in Professional Go, we also notice the advent of Go literature, written by Korean authors. They use vocabulary of their own, listed here.
See also Korean To English Requests, Go Terms, Korean Go Terms A-Z.
Baduk Terms
The first name is according to the Revised Romanization, while the second is according to McCune-Reischauer.
- (바둑) Baduk / Paduk - Go
- (바둑판) Baduk Pan / Paduk P'an - Board, Goban
- (백/白) Baek / Paek - White
- (반칙) Banchik - illegal play (taking back a move, suicide, exceeding allotted time, ...)
- 백 불계승 White won by resignation.
- (밭전자/밭田字) BatJeonJa - Diagonal jump
- (빅) Bik - seki
- (빈삼각) BinSamGak- Empty Triangle
- (붙임) Buchim - Attach
- (불계승/不計勝) Bulgyeseung - win by resignation
- (착수/着手) Chaksu - Placing stones on the board, a move
- (철주/鐵柱 or 쌍점/雙點) CheolJu or Ss'angJeom- Two Stones in a straight line aka Iron Pillar
- (천원/天元) Cheonweon - tengen
- (치중수/置中手) ChiJoongSu?- A move that goes at opponent's vital point. Bob Myers: Really? From the characters, one would guess nakade. helger: sendol's explanation: semi-forcing move, not absolutely sente
- (침입/侵入) Chimip- Invasion
- (초반/初盤) ChoBan- Opening
- (초읽기) Choilgi- Byo Yomi
- (축/逐) Chuk(Chook) - Ladder
- (대국) Daeguk - to play a game
- (대붕설형정석/大崩雪形定石 or 큰눈사태형정석/큰눈사태形定石) DaeBungSeolHyeongJeongSeok or KeunNunSaTaeHyeongJeongSeok?- Large Avalanche Joseki
- (대국 종료) Daeguk Jongnyo - (the end of the endgame) i.e. no profitable moves left
- (대사정석/大斜定石) DaeSaJeongSeok- Taisha Joseki
- (단수/單手) Dansu - atari
- (덤) Deom - komi
- (들여다보다) DeulYeoDaBoDa- To Peep
- (두칸뜀) DuKanDd'wim? - Two Space Jump
- (응수타진) Eungsutajin - probe
- (갈라침) Gallachim- Wedge
- (걸침) GeolChim- Kakari
- (근거/根據) GeunGeo- Base
- (끝내기) Gg'eutNeGi- Endgame
- (기사/棋士) Gisa- Go Player
- (고목/高目) Gomok - 5-4 point
- (곤마/困馬) GonMa?- Baseless group of stones
- (공격/攻擊) GongGyeok- Attack
- (공배) Gongbae - dame
- (급/級) Gup - kyu
- (굳힘) GutChim - Enclosure
- (과수) (過手) Gwasu - Overplay
- (계가/計家) Gyega - counting the score
- (행마/行馬) Haengma - the flow of the stones
- (젖히다) Jeochida - Hane
- (흑/黑) Heuk- Black
- (활로) Hwallo - Liberty. Literally, "escape route." Not all liberties are viable escape routes for a trapped group of stones.
- (후빔수) HuBimSu- An invasion of an opponent's territory that makes the opponent's territory dead or a bihk(seki)
- (후절수/後切手) Hujeolsu - Under The Stones
- (후수/後手) Husu - gote
- (화점/花點 or 성점/星點) Hwajeom or Seongjeom- hoshi
- (환격/還擊) Hwan-Gyeok - snapback
- (협공/挾攻) HyeopGong - Pincer
- (자충/自充) JaChoong- 1.Auto-atari spot (Equivalent to chinese 不入) 2. a move that takes up one's own liberties (used in life-death situations/problems)
- (자충수) Ja-Choong-Soo - a move which fills one's own liberties, or has the potential to do so
- (장문/欌門) JangMun - Net
- (절단/切斷) JeolDan? - Disconnect
- (정석/定石) Jeongseok - joseki
- (접바둑) JeopBaduk- Handicap Go
- (꼬부림) Kkoburim- turn
- (집 also 가/家, 호/戶) Jip - territory
- (찌르기) Jj'iReuGi- Pierce
- (종국/終局) Jongguk - the end of the game (not the endgame)
- (중반/中盤) JungBan?- Middle Game
- (끊다) Kkeunhta - To cut
- (맥/脈) Maek - tesuji
- (마늘모 or 입구자/入口字) MaNeulMo? or IpGuJa? - Diagonal Move, kosumi
- (맞바둑) MahtBaduk?- Non-Handicap Go, even game
- (맞보기) Matbogi - miai
- (미생마/未生馬) MiSengMa- A group of stones that is not yet alive.
- (모자씌움/帽子씌움 or 모착/帽着) MoJaSs?'euiUm(MoJaShiUm?) or MoChak?- To Cap
- (모양) Moyang - Shape; in the context of go, this word may also refer to what is still only "the shape" of a territory, that is, a moyo.
- (무리수) Murisu - Overplay
- (무승부/無勝負) Museungbu - a void game (due to repeated board position)
- (날일자) NalIlJa? - Sun-Character jump aka Knight's move
- (노림) Norim - Nerai
- (누르다) NuReuDa?- To push
- (눈목자) NunMokJa? - Eye-Character jump aka Large Knight's move
- (패/覇) Pae - ko
- (팻감) Paetgam - ko threat
- (포도송이) PoDoSongE- Dango (literally: a bunch of grapes)
- (포석/布石) Poseok - fuseki
- (폐석/廢石) PyeSeok- Describing stone usually hard to move, or has no purpose because it is isolated or disconnected
- (사석작전/捨石作戰) SaSeokJakJeon- Sacrifice Stone Plan/Play
- (사활) Sahwal - [life & death]
- (삭감) SakGam- Reduction play
- (삼삼/三三) SamSam - 3-3 point
- (세력) SeRyeok? - Thickness
- (선수/先手) Seonsu - sente
- (승부수) SeungBuSu - Shobute (aggressive) movement to change the unfavorable situation
- (실수/失手) ShilSu?- Mistake
- (실리) Shilli - Territory towards edge usually formed by 3rd or 4th line
- (소붕설형정석/小崩雪形定石 or 작은눈사태형정석/작은눈사태形定石) SoBungSeolHyeongJeongSeok or JakGeunNunSaTaeHyeongJeongSeok?- Small Avalanche Joseki
- (속임수) or (함정수/陷穽手) SoGimSu? or HamJeongSu - joseki trap/trick play
- (속수/俗手) SokSu- 1. A move that makes the previous bad move a benefit. 2. A move that the player have no good plan/action afterwards, basically self-hurting move.
- (소목/小目) Somok - 3-4 point
- (손뺌) Sonppaem - Tenuki
- (쌍립/雙立) Ss'angNip- Bamboo joint
- (수상전/手相戰) SuSangJeon- Fight for liberties. Bob Myers In other words, a race to capture?
- (수습/收拾) Suseup - To control a situation
- (뒷맛) Twitmat - Aji
- (외목/外目) Waemok - 5-3 point
- (연결/連結) YeonGyeol - Connect (two groups)
- (요석/要石) YoSeok- pivotal stones at very important position and should not be given up. taneishi
- (유가무가/有家無家) YuGaMuGa- One group of stones not having an eye, while the opponent's has one eye aka me ari me nashi.
- 살아있는 Life
Korean for Reading
- 흑선 - Black to play
- 백선 - White to play
- 정답 / 정해 - Correct Answer
- 실패 - Wrong Answer, Mistake
- 변화 - Variation
- 도 - Diagram
- 불만 - unsatisfactory
- 손해 - loss
- 만족 - satisfactory
- 실전의 진행 - Game progress
- 무리 - overplay
- 상용 - commonly used
- 순실 - honest, serious
- 좋음 - good
- 중복 - over-concentration
- 큼 - large, on a big scale
- 최선 - best, best plan
- 호각 - even, equal, good match
- 주문 - request, order.
- 약간 - some, a little
- 초급 - beginner's level
- 중급 - intermediate level
- 고급 - advanced level
- 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 아 자 차 카 타 파 하 - "alphabetical" sequence (a,b,c)
Not every Korean Baduk term corresponds to a Japanese or English term. For example: Haengma.
Many of these terms are verbs which require different forms and conjugations depending on the sentence. For example, (붙임) Buchim - Attach is listed as the noun form of the verb whereas (끊다) Kkeunhta - To cut is listed as the infinitive.
A glossary of English, Korean (Hangul) and Japanese go terminology is available at Wallers
There is also the Baduk Terminology PDF, translating korean baduk terms, book titles and player names.
Japanese-Korean online dictionary (with links to English explanations)
http://english.baduk.or.kr/sub04_01.htm?menu=f14 discovered baduk terms on KBA www pages
http://english.baduk.or.kr/sub05_01.htm?menu=f15 Also comparison table
http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%B0%94%EB%91%91_%EC%9A%A9%EC%96%B4 Baduk terms in korean wikipedia.