
  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Shape, Tactics

Chinese: 断 (duan4); 切断 (qie4 duan4)
Japanese: キリ (kiri)
Korean: -


A cut is a move preventing a connection, or an existing situation where stones are prevented from connecting. Usually the term applies to stones which are in direct contact.

Table of contents Table of diagrams
A cut
Solid cut

Types and purposes of cutting

To divide an opponent's shape into two is called splitting (分断); to cut off the retreat of an opponent's intruding piece is called cutting off (遮断). Although the names are different, the idea is to gain an advantage by denying connection between the opponent's stones.

Cutting is a basic tactical tool and in many cases can be done directly without any subtle sequence of moves. In a narrow sense, a cut is a method of cutting off what appears to be a safe connection, such as kosumi, one-space jump or keima, by means of a well thought out sequence. There are many ways to cut off weak, widely spaced shapes, but the problem is to choose the method of cutting according to the surrounding conditions. There is a difference between a clever and a clumsy cut, and the cut should be judged according to the overall situation.

Basic shapes



In the left part of this diagram, Black can connect his two stones at the marked point. In the right part it is shown how White cuts the stones, at W1. The Black stones will only be able to connect again if the cutting stone is captured.


In this situation we will rather say that B1 separates the white stones. The implication on a strategic level is the same (the stones will not easily connect). On a tactical level, B1 needs not be captured for the white stones to connect .


A cut  

Because of the two black+circle stones, the white+square stones are cut off from the living white stones on the top edge. Since they have no eyes, they will very probably die.


Cutting and connecting is a central concept in Go. You are normally well advised to keep your own groups connected and cut your opponent's groups apart.

(See: Divide and conquer)

There is, however, little benefit in connecting two groups that are alive independently, though in the endgame a connection may be save a few points by avoiding false eyes.

Solid cuts and crosscuts

It is worth noting that cutting stones are often themselves separated from their group, so if you are cutting two groups to capture one of them, you must make sure that your cutting stones will not get captured first.

Solid cut  

In a solid cut, Black cuts the White stones while connecting his own, resulting in a very favourable position where only White has the burden of being cut.


Here, B1, the cutting stone, is itself cut from friendly stones. This more balanced kind of cut is called a crosscut.

See also



  1. Cut problem 1
  2. Kosumi Cut

Cut last edited by hnishy on August 17, 2024 - 02:07
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