
PageType: Path   Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Tactics, Go term

Chinese: 行馬 (xing2 ma3)
Japanese: (partly) 石運び (ishi hakobi)
Korean: 행마 / 行馬 (haengma)

Haengma is a Korean word which means roughly the way the stones move, or forward momentum (literally it means moving horse). The term is used to

  1. describe various basic combinations of stones and their implications
  2. discuss more intricate moves that have a sense of tesuji
  3. describe a player's style.

At least part of the term is covered by the Japanese term suji. See the /Discussion page for more.

Basic Haengma in development

Some connections are strong, but move across the board slowly (i.e., they do not develop forward very quickly), while the faster connections are weaker. In English we call some of the slow moves walking and some of the fast moves running.

The seven basic haengma are:

Strong (but slow)


Fast (but weaker)

Basic Haengma in local combat

When opponent's stones are in relation to each other, they are often one of these:

More evolved haengma

The term Haengma is also used to describe certain Tesujis. An example would be Haenmaui Maek

See also


Haengma last edited by on December 3, 2022 - 15:38
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