This gives an overview of 3-4 point Josekis that have a page (or several pages) on Sensei's Library.
For each joseki, here or at the linked page a standard sequence is given (this is one of the more common ones, but need not be the absolutely most common one), and an overview of pages dealing with that joseki and its variations.
Black may get to play another stone in this corner before white does. See 3-4 point enclosure josekis.
Table of contents | Table of diagrams Low approach High approach distant low approach distant high approach Distant very high approach Distant high approach Low approach Very distant high approach |
erikpan: Is there any favoured response to 'n' above? I've seen it from beginners and usually I'd play k (above) next but I don't know if that's right.
Blueb - Following a discussion on GoDiscussions, I've shown a joseki for this play.
Could maybe some strong player add a statement when the different approaches are appropriate? I read somewhere that the distant approaches are good when a pincer in answer to a normal low or high approach would be even better than the distant approach. but what's the big difference between low and high approach? There are so many Joseki for these moves I can't see any tendency in the results. I can't believe this is just a 100% matter-of-taste-decision. Basti
Jesse: Basti, please take a look at 3-4 approach, high or low.
See also BQM 504.