3-4 point low approach three-space low pincer
This pincer has a very distinguished history, from Dosaku onwards, and is still very much in use today.
wild guess - strong player please fix this: This pincer is typically used as a pseudo wedge? when black wants to prevent white from establishing a moyo on the top. is useful because a more narrow pincer at a or b would be easier for white to counter pincer on the right, however,
exerts less pressure on
in the low position (vs
at c) is used to make it less easy for white to seek immediate life by sliding under with
, and easier for black to make a viable group on the top, but doesn't have the influence that a high pincer at c would.
A common application of the three-space low pincer is when Black also occupy the upper right corner, in which case serves as a double purpose move of both an extension from the upper right as well as a pincer. Of course it is possible to play
closer at a, b, c, or d, but any closer pincer would be too far from the upper right corner stone to be called an extension.
Other replies frequently seen are e to h, and i as part of an overall plan. White f tries to avoid the counter-atari line after White g, but can lead to complex variations when Black answers at g.
f is discussed in some detail in the first chapter of The World of Chinese Go by Guo Juan.
White's slide to s was fashionable for a while in the 1980s.
Pincer josekis are complex; the following diagrams only shows the most basic variations.
Jump out
In this case, moves like a or b can be considered. Note for moves like this, White is inducing Black to make territory on the left, therefore the usual idea is to apply pressure on the pincer stone with a counter-pincer c to form a framework on the right.
When the upper right is Black, then White might consider a settling move like . See
Diagonal attachment
When Black has the upper right, White is not sure if white can get profit from attacking, so settling with a is common. White b has the same aim, but it's not recommended.
If Black plays at
, then it goes back to the previous diagram. However, Black can atari from underneath, and this is probably not what White wants in this case.
See also: High Vs Low Pincer