3-4 point low approach three-space high pincer, two-point jump, tenuki
It is seen frequently enough in contemporary pro games that Black will here ignore - probably playing into the marked area to support the pincer stone
. Since
is usually played to avoid a severe counter-pincer, this may simply be a logical strategy.
White then plays to challenge
to make life. There isn't too much difficulty for Black to live somehow, with possibilities at each of the marked points. If Black does so early in the game, White will undoubtedly gain a thick outside position.
If that is the case, though, it is probably true that is better placed where it is, rather than at a, b or c. The same tenuki strategy has been tried with each of them: in case c, the three-space low pincer, there are half-a-dozen Go Seigen games featuring this idea.
The corner aji problem here is in fact genuinely intricate.
here is taught (in all these pincer cases) as White's next move here; and
as a sabaki play after that. This sequence actually is played by pros, presumably because White build unarguable thickness in sente. There are other ways to play (
) that grudge Black such a good result, but aren't clearcut either.