3-4 point distant low approach
The distant approaches allow black to take the corner territory easily, but avoid the violent fighting that can result from a pincer against a closer approach. For a context where the distant approach is commonly used, see Kobayashi fuseki.
For more detail on a specific move, click on the letter in the diagram.
- a kosumi simple, territorial.
- b one-space low pincer influence
- c shoulder hit emphasizing the side
- d two-space high pincer
- e one-space high pincer
- t (Tenuki) 3-4 point distant low approach tenuki
White can choose this approach (kakari) to avoid a severe pincer.
Black's answers to the distant low approach include:
- The kosumi at a emphasising the corner is by far the most common answer.
- The shoulder hit at b is played when Black is aiming to develop the left side, notably in the Kobayashi fuseki.
- The pincer at c emphasises the right side.
- Tenuki variations are not uncommon.
- Other possible answers are the other pincers or extensions along the left side.
Table of contents |
- 3-4 point distant low approach shoulderhit
- at a: 3-4 point distant low approach shoulderhit question
- 3-4 point distant low approach, one-space low pincer
- tenuki: 3-4 point distant low approach, one-space low pincer, tenuki
- white 11 at a: Pushing battles in joseki 1
- see also: Enclosure opening distant low approach, pincer