Compromised diagonals and joseki 1

  Difficulty: Expert   Keywords: Opening, Joseki, Shape, Tactics
Not joseki  

Without a stone at one of the marked points, this is certainly not joseki.

White's shape is better  

If White is free to extend alone the upper side, then the exchange of black+circle and white+circle is in principle good for White. For one thing, playing black+circle at white+circle is joseki (3-4 point high approach outside contact).

Chinese formation case  

Given a black stone at black+square (or at the marked point), the exchange B1/W2 is some improvement for Black: it possibly makes White heavier. Black now at a leaves White's stones floating.

Ladder question  

White's other natural resource is at W2 here. There is a ladder question involved. In pro games B1 may only be played when the ladder is good for Black: for example if White invades late and Black has some central influence.

The ladder in question  

If the ladder with W6 is bad for White, B1 here is possible after white+circle.

A second ladder  

A second ladder (Black at a) can occur if White rejects the chance to live small here after B2 (with W3 at W4). This position comes from an Oteai game Yoda Norimoto-Komatsu Hideki (B) 1983-06-29.

Charles Matthews

BobMcGuigan I don't think I'd want to play B1 in the first diagram above without some support to the right or, perhaps in a Chinese Opening type of situation, but I wondered how bad this move could be even if the ladders favor white.

For example, if things went as in the next diagram, it is clearly a bad result for Black since the marked stone is in the wrong place (it should be at a or b).

Bad for Black  

But what about this?

More or less equal?  

Andre Engels: I assume this is more or less equal, given that B2-W1-black+circle is a joseki, (although both a and b are clearly more common than black+circle). The joseki is discussed in 3-4 point high approach, double contact, wall

Compromised diagonals and joseki 1 last edited by AndreEngels on June 6, 2003 - 22:27
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