3-4 point distant high approach
For an overview of variations, see 3-4 point distant high approach. For more detail on a specific move, click on the letter in the diagram.
- a corner keima
- b side keima?
- c pincer
- tenuki
- d outside contact
- e kosumi
- f shoulder hit
An approach to a corner stone along the fourth line (hence "high") and separated from it by two spaces.
For the two-point high approach to the 3-4 point shown here, the most normal answers are Black at a, b (3-4 point distant high approach corner keima), c (3-4 point distant high approach, one-space low pincer). Black's tenuki is common, also. See 3-4 point distant high approach, tenuki, inside contact.
The outside contact play Black d is less common, but a rich source of less-explored pushing battle variations: see pushing battles in joseki 9.
Less usual answers are at d, e and f.
For d see light play example 1.
This approach was played in the nineteenth century, and became popular in Japan in the 1920s. It has recently been in fashion again.
In the 58th Honinbo final, game 1, Kato Masao plays g against Cho U