War Eagle
Currently 8k (or so) on OGS. I left KGS over 12 years ago...
I resumed playing about 6 weeks ago, and getting back into games and reviewing games
I last touched this page 16 years ago... after I remembered my password "War Eagle last edited by WarEagle on December 22, 2003 - 04:31"
Just another go student.
I live in North Alabama, and would be interested in finding local players. Around 12k on KGS.
KathyS DieterVerhofstadt/FusekiExperiments
- How to Play Against the Stronger Player, two volumes downloadable from the Wings Go Club
TeachingGame44 TeachingGame53 TeachingGame66 TeachingGame67 TenKyuSideInvasion
Question about a Pro Book BQM5 BQM59
Pages of interest
- 4 4 Point Josekis
- 4 4 Point Low Approach
- 4 4 Point High Approach
- 4 4 Point Enclosure Josekis
- 4 4 Point 3 3 Invasion Joseki
Joseki Experiments
Bold Joseki Blunders
Handicap Go
Middle Game Reference
- Shape Problem 4 / Discussion
- Free And Fixed Boundaries
- Frame Work Theory
- Fourth Line Invasion With One Space On Both Sides
- Three Space Extension Invasions
- Diagonal
Classical go problems
Servers & Community
- Dashn
- DashnStyle
- Dragon Go Server
- AlexandreDinerchtein
- Dieter
- Scartol
Cafe @ Art of Go
Art of Go
Large Heading
Larger Heading
Largest Heading
Just thinking of the question from AnglePlayAfterDiagonalAttachment
[1] Why is bad? Please show an example.
yoyoma - I think is bad. Black has declared outside influence to be important when he played the marked stone. Black should follow up by playing
. Black has already decided he is willing to allow White to cut at a, in which case Black kills the white stones to the left and White gets a ponuki to the right.