Ongoing Game 2
See also:
A 'group rengo' game where everyone may play. Please place your moves both in the diagram below and the numbered diagram further down. See OngoingGame for further explanation.
Can we improve the quality or interest of these rengos? I've put some thoughts on ImprovingSLRengos. -- MortenPahle
Could somebody enlighten me as a complete beginner, please? It seems to me that there is not a lot of point in playing on from this position. It all seems pretty cut-and-dried. When I play, I'm used to losing by really BIG margins. Have I missed anything exciting? Thanks. -- Geoff
HolIgor: There were some exciting moments in this game. Look at the comments. About the really big margins. As soon as both opponents learn to avoid blunders and make reasonable moves the margins tend to decrease. On the level of 1st kyu 10 points is a very large margin. But, of course, some game involve complex life and death or semeai. In this case the win or loss is usually by resignation.
Arno: the game is over. White wins by 3.5.
Geoff: This was the crucial point I missed, thank you Arno. I am afraid that I assumed that Tedomari was someone's name and he was about to play next. Looked it up now. Sorry.
Earlier Analysis:
- An interesting opening - /Moves 1 To 10
- A pincer leads to an early battle - /Moves 11 To 30
- Attack and defense / The quest for shape - /Moves 31 To 80
- Land grab, overplays, chaos: a typical middle game - /Moves 81 To 120
- "Eat this." - "Banzai!" - the early endgame - /Moves 121 To 200
Discussions to continue below.
HolIgor: W244 - tedomari. 0.5 points miai counting.
My calculations give W +3.5 taking into account 5.5 points komi.
DaveSigaty: B243. 0.5 points.
HolIgor: W242. 0.75 points.
Agt: B241. 1.0 point
HolIgor: W240. 1 point.
DaveSigaty: B239. 1 point.
HolIgor: W238. 0.75 points.
DaveSigaty: B237. HolIgor: This is difficult to estimate. It gets one point while one or two more become ko dependant. Any help?
HolIgor: W236 1 point.
DaveSigaty: B235, almost done now. HolIgor It seems to be zero point
HolIgor: W234. 1.25 point. Defends a stone creates a half point move.
DaveSigaty: B 233
HolIgor: W232
Bill: W 230: Atari, atari!
DaveSigaty: B 229
HolIgor: W228
unkx80: B227.
Bill Spight: W 226. One point sente.
DaveSigaty: B225. One point in reverse sente.
HolIgor: W224. I make the third move in a row.
dnerra: B223.
HolIgor: W222. B221 seems sente to me too. I could be wrong, too.
Dieter: Holigor and Agt, B221 is sente and no way you can be wrong about that. The question of playing one point sente, on the other hand, is whether you want to lose a ko threat. But here I could be wrong ...
Agt: B221. Seems sente to me but I could be wrong...
HolIgor: W220
dnerra: B219
unkx80: B217
DaveSigaty: W216
HolIgor: B215 was played on a dame itself but prepared a follow-up worth two points sente. If White played at the same point she could increase her score by a point. Therefore the move was worth 1,5 points.
White's defense saved two points. A move at a takes three points of territory from Black, so the value of the move is 1.5 points miai. Was it larger? -- dnerra: I think a was worth 1.75 points. But White 216 still seems larger to me (it that is what you were discussing.)
Agt: B215
HolIgor: W214
unkx80: B213. Just another move to wrap up the game. =)
HolIgor: W212. "Watashi, watashi" as Sai says.
dnerra: B211 -- here is another big move for you, Bill :)