I'm Eric Piotrowski, a teacher, writer, and Go fanatic in Madison, Wisconsin USA. I'm currently 7k on KGS.
I have some 3D Go art (and Hikaru no Go wallpaper) online at
(On 8 February 2004, the following three images were added.)
If you like the artwork, check out The ArtOfGo Online Shop for shirts, mugs, and other items featuring the images. In July 2004, I added some excellent new images, including a low-cost t-shirt, a stylish new Baduk-symbol travel mug, and a flashy Go-symbol messenger bag.
I am also a member of and the webitor for the Madison Go Club.
If you're new to Go, please check out my Flash introduction: The Wonderful World of Go. I'm also offering weekly lessons in the KGS Teaching Ladder.
SL Pages for which I was initially responsible:
- ScartolVsOldskyman2003 - Featuring an impossible kill
- Scartol's Go Musings - Random thoughts and emotions
- ContinuumOfSecurity
- BeginnerFrustrations
- /Philosophy of Go - Zen in particular
- MacintoshGo
- TeachingGame44
- TeachingGame22
- GetSoCaughtUpInAGameDuringLunch...
You can email me at Also hear my music, read my stories, and peruse my blog at
P.S. I like to play around in Photoshop.