Dragon Go Server
Dragon Go Server (DGS) is a turn-based go server.
Server outage
2020-08-07 09:00 CEST: Planned outage to physically move the server in the rack. Outage takes ca. 30min.
2018-05-08 13:58 GMT: planned server maintenance to migrate to new server hardware. Will take ca. 1 hour. Done.
2017-10-07 05:08 CEST: Server up again. There was/is something wrong with making the backup. Backup stays disabled for now till being clarified with service provider. /JUG (DGS-Admin)
2017-10-07 04:52 CEST: had to take down the webserver (apache) to free up resources on the server. Need to analyze what problem it is ... Currently the regular backup is running and I try to let it finish in the hope it normalizes in some time. Problem was likely starting around 03:30 CEST. Server stays off till further notice ... /JUG (DGS-Admin)
News archive
2017-08-18 08:00 UTC: planned server outage (maintenance). estimated: 15-30 minutes.
2016-12-12 15:20 UTC: Website not available, all pages are not working
- www.dragongoserver.net gives a page with the error:
"Connection to database failed. Please wait a few minutes and test again." "MySQL error: Too many connections"
- other pages or services (SGF access, for example) give the same error page
- this started a few minutes ago, and has not stopped since
- unknown cause
- 2016-12-12 16:49 UTC: Problem resolved (database was locked due to a very expensive db-query). Server available again!!
2016-08-13 15:30 CEST: Connection problems - Server not responding
- www.dragongoserver.net is not reachable
- the provider samurajdata.se is not reachable as well, so it might be a network-related problem
- due to the nature of the problem (server is not reachable), all game-clocks have stopped
- see also
- 2016-08-13 16:40 CEST: managed to reach someone from the provider per phone ... they are looking into it ...
- 2016-08-13 17:50 CEST: Response from provider-support: "Our fiber link to our internet service provider is down since 14:55. The fault has been reported to the internet service provider, they're sending a technician to the fiber connection point to fix it. I have no time estimate yet for when it will be fixed. The DGS server itself is up and running normally, no problems there."
- 2016-08-13 19:54 CEST: Estimate for earliest fix according to ISP is at 20:45. Error is most probably in the access router at the ISP end.
- 2016-08-13 20:54 CEST: Problem resolved at 20:54. Server available again!!
Table of contents | Index of sub-pages |
- DGSWishlist
- Special users
- Tournaments
Some features
- DGS offers a "proper komi feature" with fine-tuned komi intervals to balance even minor rating differences to provide a 50-50 chance for both players.
- hidden comments can be inserted during the game, for post-mortem analysis (where they become readable by everybody).
- The Capped Fischer Timing system.
DGS "add-ons"
Android Apps:
anDGS (Android) a client for the Dragon Go Server (DGS) including a waiting game/message notifier and ability to download any DGS game. anDGS is also a local editor supporting most sgf editing features and auto play mode mode for study. NEW* play ahead feature
BW-DGS (Android) This is a plugin for the BW-Go SGF analyser application. BW-Go/BW-DGS is SGF-based, which means that you can analyse positions and try out moves easily before submitting. Also, you can use Kogo's Joseki Dictionary in a separate screen as a Joseki helper.
Online Go is an Android client for DGS. This app adds conditional moves to DGS - you can play a sequence of moves at once, and if your opponent does what you expect, the app will continue the sequence automatically.
DragonGoApp open source android app. Play correspondence games from DGS.
Other apps:
- Dragon Notifier (Windows) is an open-source tray bar utility that notifies you when it is your turn to move in a DGS game. A list of games is displayed from which you can either get the corresponding sgf file or jump to the equivalent dragon page.
Dragon Go Server Turn Monitor (Any OS with Java) notifies you when it is your turn to move in a DGS game. DGSTM runs on all platforms the support Java. The windows version of DGSTM places an icon in the system tray that shows your current DGS game status. (This page is not accessible now - 2018, March)
Dragon Probe: (Unix with KDE) Seeing the handy URL used by the above app, I've written a Kicker applet to that watches DGS for you, too. --Neil (This page is not accessible now - 2018, March)
Dragon Watch (Unix with Gnome) is a GNOME panel applet that does the same job.
dgsmon (Unix command line / Gkrellm FMonitor) does the same, with command line output. Also integrates easily with Gkrellm.
- DragonTeaser script which plays a sound EACH 5 minutes if a DGS game is waiting.
dgs ruby gem is an OS-independant Ruby gem which provides a command-line interface and a Ruby-Library for own applications.
dgsmonX (Mac OS X 10.4 or newer) faceless application that appears in the menubar only (not in the Dock) and notifies you when it is your turn to move. Is unrelated to dgsmon, the name's just borrowed.
- CompoGo (Windows-program) can connect to DGS to manage your games.
dgs library for Haskell to access the bot interface
Dragon Go Client (iPhone) is an iPhone and iPod Touch client for Dragon Go Server.
Dragon's Eye Yahoo! widget for Windows, Mac, or some Sony TVs that indicates when it is your turn.
wyvern program that lets you record an entire sequence of moves (including conditional moves) and plays them for you
Dragon's Breath is a Mac menu bar notifier for DGS games, available in the Mac App Store.
DGS Pal is a JavaFX client for the DGS server. This application creates a persistent game board with automatic play update and board editing features - notably - playing ahead. Requires Java 7, JavaFX 2+ 64 bit.
DGS Electric Modern cross-platform application for playing games on the Dragon Go Server
Browser addons:
- (FX)
DGS Check A Firefox extension? that notifies you when it is your turn in a DGS Game. A status bar icon tells you how many games are waiting, the context menu has list of links to the individual games, and it will also display a system notification when a new game is added to the list.
Dragon Go Server -Indicator A waiting game -notifier for Chrome. Shows amount of waiting games, links to the games and notifies when new games are observed.
- (FX) see /UserScripts
- (FX)
Server Switcher to toggle between live and development server.
- (FX)
Send To Eidogo to view and edit sgf file using your browser.
HTML files:
- to track your favorite user's performance, download frs's HTML page:
http://home.snafu.de/frs/go-rating-dgs-users.html and edit the names. Note: this page might no longer be available, but
here's a page that implements it.
Peter Nicell has very simple way to create a HTML page that periodically refreshes a DGS page.
TDerz All of this is very impressive. The snafu-link allows us to verify the club rating (also it's not in the club). A slight improvement of Peter Nicell's way by Stéphane Macaire: "./" before dgsr.html (DragonGoServer auto-refresh) refers to the same folder, hence no address change is necessary and 10 seconds refreshment rate were to short on our computer at work (tried here with 3 minutes):
<HTML> <HEAD> <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="180; url=./dgsr.htm"> <title>Dragon Go Server auto refresh</title> </HEAD>
<frameset cols="*,1" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="NO"> <frameset rows="*,1" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="http://www.dragongoserver.net/status.php" name="main"> </frameset> </frameset>
<noframes> <body> Sorry your browser does not support frames... </body> </noframes>
However, this refreshment page stops refreshing after some time (90 seconds): "The page cannot be displayed" perhaps due to Network Settings.
- (Firefox 1.5+:) To remove the status box: (thx Rod) Use the userContent.css (you can find infos at
http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/edit#content) with those lines:
@-moz-document url(http://www.dragongoserver.net/status.php) { #user_status { display: none !important; } }
See also
- DGS Rating Histogram
DGS server statistics page: shows users and game activity as from 2002.
- Fischer time on the Dragon Go Server: article by James Taylor? (not to be confused with Bill Taylor) on why Fisher time should be the preferred time mode.
- Komi/Statistics:
link at bottom of page
DGS news
- Go servers with clients for different operating systems
- Dragon tournament 2010
Dragon Sensei teaching account