Shin Jinseo

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Shin Jinseo (신진서, 申眞諝) is a Korean professional player born in 2000-03-17, pro from 2012-07-16, promoted 2 dan in 2013-11-22, 9 dan by 2018.

Shin has been the best player in the world for several years. Recently he has been a long way ahead of his rivals in terms of both rating and head-to-head scores. As of 2024-05-06, Shin's rating is 3877, while the next highest Ke Jie is 3694.

Since 2019-01-01, Shin has been the highest rated player in the world ([ext] GoRatings). In the 2018-01-01, list, he was second only to Park Junghwan, and in the 2017-01-01, list, he was second behind Ke Jie and Park Junghwan. Since 2019-01-01, Park and Ke have been second and third behind Shin, not necessarily in that order.

Shin's nickname is 신진격(新進擊, “New Attack”)

Because Korean Revised Romanization is not always intuitive, his given name Jinseo is pronounced something like "jin-suh". It is NOT pronounced "jin-say-oh" or "jin-see-oh" as the spelling might indicate.

Table of contents


Head to head scores against leading rivals

Based on [ext] Shin Jinseo, Go ratings, as of 2024-05-11.

  • Ke Jie, World #2, China #1: 12–11 (Shin won the most recent 7 games in a row)
  • Park Jung Hwan, World #3, Korea #2: 31–22 (Shin won the most recent 11 games in a row)
  • Wang Xinghao, World #4, China #2: 1–0
  • Gu Zihao, World #5, China #3: 11–6
  • Li Qincheng, World #6, China #4: 6–6
  • Ding Hao, World #7, China #5: 6–3
  • Li Xuanhao, World #8, China #6: 2–2
  • Yang Dingxin, World #9, China #7: 10–8
  • Byun Sangil, World #10, Korea #3: 33–7 (Shin won the most recent 13 games in a row)
  • Zhao Chenyu, World #11, China #8: 5–1
  • Iyama Yuta, World #22, Japan #1: 2–0
  • Ichiriki Ryo, World #26, Japan #2: 6–0
  • Choi Jeong, World #65, Female World and Korean #1: 6–0
  • Kim Eunji, World # 147, Female World #3, Korean #2; Female teenager World and Korean #1: 2–0

Career record

Korean games

Scores from [ext] Korea players win-loss, Go for Everyone. For the last few years, he has been top or second in total number of wins, and with very high winning rate.

Year total wins losses rate
2014 64 40 24 62%
2015 81 59 22 73%
2016 66 51 15 77%
2017 61 47 14 77%
2018 102 77 25 75%
2019 93 74 19 80%
2020 91 81 10 89%
2021 98 82 16 84%
2022* 95 80 14 85%
2023 111 97 14 87%
2024 39 35 4 90%

International tournament games

Scores from [ext] World players win-loss, Go for Everyone.

Year total wins losses rate
2016 24 19 5 71%
2017 19 13 6 68%
2018 28 17 11 61%
2019 25 17 8 68%
2020 15 12 3 80%
2021 24 22 2 92%
2022* 23 22 2 91%
2023 24 19 5 71%
2024 10 9 1 90%
  • In 2022, Shin also had a draw.

Shin Jinseo recorded his 800th career win in the opening round of the 2024 Jia League?, making him #29 to do so within korean professionals.


His match against Park Junghwan in 2020 is covered in SEVEN. The Go Super Match.

Fun Facts

  • He has never won an international title, if he has lost the first game of the final match
  • In the first game of 2020 Samsung Cup final versus Ke Jie he played the famous "mouso" move that caused him to lose the game. The accidental misclick was caused by a mouse cord accidentally touching the touchpad of the laptop. In the following Korean article you can see a picture from the mouso-game. The picture shows how the mouse cord travels over the touchpad waiting for the disaster to happen. ( [ext] Link to article )
  • The previous evening before the Quzhou Lanke Cup World Go Open second final Shin Jinseo and Shin Minjun played chess in the hotel, a video was posted in the chinese social media. Playing chess before an international major final was probably not a good idea, Shin Jinseo lost his 1-0 lead and lost the title 2-1 to Gu Zihao. [ext] Weibo link




shin jinseo dec2022 (Image credit: 0)
Shin Jinseo, Dec 2022 (Image credit:

Shin Jinseo in the 2023 Mlily Cup (Image credit: 2)
Shin Jinseo in the 2023 Mlily Cup (Image credit:

Zhou Hongyu vs Shin Jinseo in 2023 Mlily Cup (Image credit: 5)
Zhou Hongyu vs Shin Jinseo in 2023 Mlily Cup (Image credit:

Fan Tingyu vs Shin Jinseo in 2023 Mlily Cup  (Image credit: 9)
Fan Tingyu vs Shin Jinseo in 2023 Mlily Cup (Image credit:

Shin Jinseo, Asian Games 2023 (Image credit: 13)
Shin Jinseo, Asian Games, 2023 (Image credit:

Shin Jinseo last edited by Bodhi on June 5, 2024 - 13:58
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