Cho Yeonwoo


Cho Yeonwoo (조연우, b. 18 February 1989) is a Korean professional 2 dan with a popular [ext] YouTube channel.

From her [ext] introduction video:

  • professional 1d (Promoted to 2p in September 2020)
  • started Go at 9 years old
  • director of Women Baduk League
  • referee in tournaments
  • teacher in real life and online
  • appears on baduk tv
  • refers to herself as Yeonwoo Cho, or simply Yeonwoo

Uberdude She's friends with Diana Koszegi 1p, so I briefly met her when I was at BIBA.

Cho Yeonwoo last edited by hnishy on July 22, 2024 - 05:01
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