Pushing Battle

    Keywords: MiddleGame

Chinese: -
Japanese: 競り合い (seri-ai)
Korean: -

A pushing battle is a contest for influence in which both players build walls (probably with defects) up into the centre. It takes getting ahead to its logical conclusion. (See push.)

Pushing battles are an important but neglected concept in the literature.

Aragaki-Hikosaka pushing battle  

A passage from a game Aragaki Takeshi-Hikosaka Naoto in the 1983 Kisei. This is a clear-cut sequence in the focal area at the junction of black and white frameworks.

The player who is ahead in the pushing battle has the option: hane or extend (nobi).

In this type of pushing battle, hane makes points - the line of demarcation between frameworks is being decided. Therefore players try to play hane; but there are tactical constraints.

Charles Matthews

Pushing Battle last edited by hnishy on May 30, 2018 - 11:48
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