Corner co-ordination 2

    Keywords: Opening

Chikun's plan

3-5 and 3-3  

This is one of the less common side formations. If Black plays next at a the corner co-ordination of the resulting 'sub-orthodox formation' is reasonable (not great, perhaps, compared to the orthodox fuseki).

The press plan  

Assuming White enters at W1 here, the co-ordination isn't brilliant if Black plays, for example, the pincer b. Black's chances of a framework on the upper side are limited by what White might do with the shoulder hit at c next. Black at b looks like the right type of idea with a 4-4 point in the right-hand corner.

Cho Chikun's play, in a number of his games, is to press with B2. This then assumes that the right-hand corner can take care of itself. In playing the press one has to bear in mind some large-scale variations leading to a pushing battle. See pushing battles in joseki 5.

The other formation

Thinking of the other arrangement, we get a formation rare in pro games (tried out a few times by Sakata).

Not so well co-ordinated  

White can easily ignore this side.

The reason is that W4 keeps the side territory down, even if Black uses B1 and B3 to build up a framework.

Charles Matthews

Corner co-ordination 2 last edited by CharlesMatthews on May 20, 2003 - 08:47
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