Avalanche - connection, tenuki variations
In the avalanche joseki, when Black connects solidly with , it is tempting for White to play tenuki because that's a slow-looking play. White will exchange
first, though, to protect her shape a little. Black can play
at a leading to other variations.
If Black plays first here, there are a number of recognised ideas (Black a to d). Black can also think of playing on a larger scale on the top side.
Black may well first crawl with and
, to take some profit. With
Black makes it hard for White to get a fully-developed shape here.
The clamp play here forces the issue: the subsequent wall fight is along initially predictable lines up to
Playing one space further away is also seen: it invites White to make shape with and
. Pros playing White aren't always content with this, though, and there are other ideas seen.
Playing directly at the other end with here is an idea out of recent Korean games.
aims at a pushing battle, and so Black doesn't settle the top side immediately.
There are clearly numerous possibilities in this position.