Pushing battles in joseki 8
Playing from beneath (rather than at a) is given superficial treatment in Ishida - just two diagrams. See 3-4 point high approach one-space low pincer for those. There is a ladder question, but this joseki occurs in pro games even when the ladder is good for White.
That is, the following development is sometimes seen:
Instead is correct shape to hold everything together. as shown is now joseki: Ishida gives White at a (Sakata Eio-Fujisawa Hideyuki 1961-03-08) which appears now to be obsolete. The issue now is whether or how White continues to push along. There is some curious aji in the corner.
here is normal, with a and b also having been played. Black responds at c or d (but not hane [1]). White in the latter case then closes off the open skirt or gets ahead with the knight's move.
Hashimoto Utaro-Rin Kaiho 1974-05-02 continued in this way, with Black 11 at a for a fight in the centre. Omitting 6 was tried in a recent Korean game.
[1] Black hane in response to was played by Christoph Gerlach 5d against Hans Pietsch in the 1996 Fujitsu Cup. White cut immediately.
Seong-june Kim 6d gives this variation. This looks bad for White, unless there is some corner aji to use.
Pushing Battles in Joseki 8 Corner Aji Discussion: what can White do in the corner now?
togo: It should be noted that the three white stones don't have to survive to be useful. They can be aji themselves or can be immediately sacrificed.
A Korean book considers this possible situation, with avoiding being shut in rather than attending to the corner.