Gubi 2000

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Gubi2000´s Personal Study Pages on Sensei´s Go Library

Please do not change these personal notes- I do appreciate any added comments instead!

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Welcome dear Visitor, I use these personal pages to support my own learning efforts with some documentations. I am working out my personal beginner-level study plan here. I do hope this way of using this Wiki is in accordance with the guidelines. Whenever I generate any interesting content I will of course share it in the public part of the wiki. My first contribution was to share some high-quality go video lectures with comments, which you will find below.

Commented Video Lectures

This is my research for "high-quality" audio-visual lectures about the game of Go- all of them being commented in english. I also added those lectures to the page YoutubeLectures, which is sorted by subject and other criteria. You will find many more there, but for my taste the quality is sometimes not that good.

My Study Resources on Go Sensei

all following taken from Beginner Study Section Thanks for this great overview. Chapter 10-14 Yet unread.

  • QARTS is for Quantitative Analysis of Relative Territory and Strength.


My Study Resources on external Sites

Lessons learned on Go Sensei

HowToHoldAndPlayAGoStone, Playing The First Move In The Upper Right Corner,Basic Instinct, About the opening, Four questions for everyone,

[ext] ranked 12 kyu. On KGS: 22 kyu.

Personal summary of Basic Living Eye Shapes:
Following forms should be avoided by beginners: They can easily be killed.
One Stone: Dead
Two Stones: Dead
Three Stones: Dead
Four Stones: PyramidFour, SquaredFour
Five Stones: CrossedFive, BulkyFive
Six Stones: RabbittySix, RectangularSixInTheCorner
Seven Stones:ButterflySeven
Eight Stones: TenThousandYearKo

Most other Forms are alive, see StraightFourBentFourTwistedFourComments

Personal summary of BasicInstinct
1)From atari extend, 2) Answer tsuke with hane, 3) Hane head of two (center direction), 4) Stretch from kosumi-tsuke, 5) Block angle play, 6) Connect against peep, 7) Stretch from bump

Proverbs understood

Vocabulary needed most often

Kosumi "Diagonal Play"
Tsuke "attacking with contact", while disconnected from any friendly stone.
Hane blocks Tsuke by bending around it.

willemien: Hi I removed your edition at the ten thousand year ko this was because a long L group is not a mannen ko. a long L group is a position just likely lead to one. therefore i kept the link to the long L group. When editing it is important to distinguish between wat it is and where it (likely) leads to. An Atari is not a capture. (but do keep editing sensei library, but have an eye for details)

Gubi 2000 last edited by Gubi2000 on June 20, 2010 - 12:21
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