Fuseki Exercises

PageType: Path   Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Opening, Problem, Index page

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Comment: according to high dan players, the exercises are in some cases dubious and the solutions can be misleading

It seems to me, it could be valuable to the beginners to practice the general opening principles. I recall seeing fuseki problems in the Go literature, so I'd like to make some available here.

Any comments welcome.

See also: amateur fuseki

Although some people argue that Fuseki exercises for beginners is a contradiction in terms and defer teaching opening principles until very late, these problems do not claim to find the best move in the given position. Instead they ask the reader to pick up the best move among some proposals, applying very basic Fuseki principles, such us the direction of play from a Shimari, the strength of a DoubleWingFormation, etc. However, there is more elementary fuseki knowledge that would be appropriate for raw novices.

These are great! I find that I'm much better at life and death problems, and having some fuseki problems seems like a great thing to improve my game. Still, each problem comes with a hint. Applying the hint seems pretty easy to me -- my difficulty is that of the different general opening principles, I don't know which one to apply! So, I'd love to also see some problems without the hints (perhaps those would be harder).

Fuseki Exercises last edited by Dieter on August 19, 2014 - 15:57
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